“And then I said, ‘The Lady IS a Tramp!’ HAHA! Eh, eh! You get it.”
“For the last fucking time, I’m not Tony Bennett.”
Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.
I’m not saying Oprah for 2020, but I’m saying Oprah 2020 because MY GOD.
Why has God forsaken us?
Zero. It’s Alabama, so those votes instead went to “That guy from Duk Dienisty.”
Sounds like this guy is rotten to his core.
At least he gave us an excellent Boondocks episode.
Gotta pay the Bear tax bros. Fact of life.
Pretty sure the Chargers don’t need to worry about filling the position of trophy manager.
Fuck these guys. Bring on the robots.
“Applied Economics was fairly limited in its scope. That’s why we are pleased to announce that the chamber has decided to commission the fine people at Implied Economics.”
Your masters will be thrilled to see the efficacy of their brainwashing in public!
The difference between union and non-union is the fact I won’t get fired because my boss didn’t get laid over the weekend.
penn state gets extra points for decades of self-righteous goddamned sanctimony.
Penn State and Baylor really are the Shaq and Duncan of terrible universities. At its peak you just couldn’t top Penn State. An unstoppable force of atrocities. But Baylor is just so fundamentally rotten. Degrading murder victims, covering up rapes. There are no holes in their game. You get the sense they could be an…
That’s Charlie Hustle for you. So much dedication to the game, he’d play ball even without any grass on the field.
Yankees do suck, though.