Gotham City’s been doing this for a while now.
Apparently they don’t teach students not to run with scissors at Stanford.
I’m pretty sure you mean “Kezam!” Starring Sinbad.
“The waiting list really exists, I swear! My girlfriend who lives in Canada has it!”
It’s hard to turn around when you’ve got such bright eyes.
The internet was a mistake.
Beat me to it by ONE MINUTE. Take your damn star.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a chainsaw is a good guy with a chainsaw.
Roar Uthaug
She’s not his special pal, she’s his fuckin’ lady friend! He’s just helping her conceive, man!
Don’t pick the lions. You’ll lose that battle nine times out of ten.
Drunk History made a pretty strong case for the existence of Sadie the Goat.
I don’t find his behavior very a-peel-ing.
His teammates don’t find his behavior very a-peel-ing.
If Gilbert Arizona said no, then the answer obviously is no. The thing is that they’re not GONNA say no, they’d never say no…because of the implication.
He will be fondly remembered by his pet grizzly bear.