This has serious implications for my “Kevin Can Wait” fanfiction.
Is his pet wolf named Moon Moon?
This picture is obviously fake; we all know he sleeps in a coffin.
The man will never, ever finish writing these books. We need to just accept it.
We’re not your buddy, guy!
We have your milk boiling back in the kitchen just the way you like it, Mr. Kelly!
Wow, Luke Skywalker has really gone off the deep end. Rey needs to stay the hell away from him!
The most worrying part of this story is apparently that Skip Bayliss was right about something.
So if your team name is a type of snake, why isn’t your mascot a snake? Why is it a totally different creature?
For the watch.
“The other kings said it was daft to build a castle in a swamp. But I built it all the same, just to show ‘em! It sank into the swamp.”