I hope Kirk Cousins goes to another franchise and wins a super bowl and Washington continues to never win anything
I hope Kirk Cousins goes to another franchise and wins a super bowl and Washington continues to never win anything
Good christ this is such a stupid trend.
But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?
Americas worship of the free market is a disease on society right up there with our institutional racism. FWIW, i have no interest on ranking these problems; they are both terrible aspects of our society.
I’d rather watch Drew appear on more reality TV cooking shows.
Just leaving this old gem here..
Universities have been steadily increasing the number of classes taught by “part-time” adjunct instructors instead of hiring more tenure-track professors for decades. Yet in that time, tuition has gone up dramatically.
First things first: public and private universities should be up front about where all that tuition money is going. Hint: it’s not to the faculty.
I cried during Inside Out.
This is the meanest thing Deadspin has ever done to its readers.
A moose bit my sister once.
[Edit: Goddammit Kluwe! You beat me by four minutes on this! Enjoy this victory, you rogue... it may be your last...]
Those responsible for this post have been sacked.
This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.
Intersectional Feminist Writer: Ugh, I can’t even with these people who won’t wake up and see the sexism all around them!
I really don’t know how I feel about these sort of posts. They appear too often to ignore. A twenty-something celebrity is trying to vocalize that they’ve been on the receiving end of sexism. Ok.
Here endeth the lesson
I find this promotion strange. Wasn’t the whole point of building that new stadium so white people can run away from non-white people?
"I am the walrus" - John Lennon. If Kurt Cobain were the walrus he would still be alive as he would not have had fingers to pull a trigger.