
Well he was one of the founders of National Lampoon and co-wrote Scrooged so that Easy Rider 2 screenplay was definitely not his best hour.

O’Donoghue was one of the founders of National Lampoon and had numerous other impressive credits and didn’t have to hang his hat on a great line that Gore Vidal stole from him. Plus, he died in 1994 so there’s that.

O’Donoghue said it several years before Capote died. Do not ever think Michael O’Donoghue was anything but original.

O’Donoghue said it first. Gore Vidal ripped him off it seems.

Ooh can you imagine River with 15? Or with 14 & 15?

Michael O’Donoghue definitely had a talent for quips. I contend that the best one was his reaction to hearing Elvis died, “Good career move.”

Maybe it’s the webbed toes.

He used to host the last episode of each season (and often one during the season as well) because everyone was so burnt out by then that they would hit the slag pile for sketches and he was game for anything.

Too bad you didn’t ask him how it was working with Glenn Matthews.

Or Al Brooks. He was great as the bad guy in Out of Sight.

Fake Fury nearly died due to the radiation exposure during his jaunt into New Skrullos and that was with him popping what I guess were iodine pills. How do they plan to get all the Skrull captives out safely?

Not IMAX but many years back I went to a midnight showing of a 3D porno. It was.... interesting. I will never forget the woman sitting behind us who went, “Oh.....

I have a feeling there are other Skrulls embedded in the British Navy so the ones who were killed (actually were there any other ones besides the guy Talos killed and possibly the one on the sub who tried to stop them from deactivating the missile?). Gravik was using them as pawns who were expendable. Hell, when you

While I don’t dispute there has been some sloppy writing, I don’t think the prison escape & the fact that the authorities didn’t know the details about Barry’s guilt were sloppy. Barry, while he can often not be that swift about things, has shown he is pretty good at thinking on his feet when a situation goes south. I

I thought the same thing until I realized that all the Feds Fuches & Barry spoke to when trying to save their asses died during the prison massacre. The FBI agents who were there were the ones who knew the truth about Barry’s role in everything. The only information the higher ups had were those agents initial reports

After Jade’s “It’s short for Jaded” line last week, I can’t imagine she really didn’t know why it’s funny and was messing with Nate.

Yup, Sam knew exactly what was going to happen to the point he even told Francis not to actually do it. He also knew it was the only way to get Francis out.

I did like the line “corporate pixie dream girl” about the former assistant.

Crap, I never put two & two together and realized she was Mary. Damn, that makes so much sense.

I don’t think Sam shared what Akufo did with anyone. It doesn’t seem to be his style. Though to be honest, it is more than a little bit of a humble brag to let people know it cost $20 mil to have him kept of the Nigerian national team.