
That Bummy put a real nice stroke on that dong.

I’m the captain now.

The counter to that is that the U-17s are really the litmus test for Klinsman. Anything older than that and he’s making dinner with what someone else got at the store.

This is a terrible take. Nobody that has any sort of power, influence, or stature in the league or the media says that Michael Jordan would only be a rotation player or that the 76ers would go 82-0 on the 80s, and people like Oscar Robertson are objectively wrong and dumb here. This isn’t anybody being reflexively

It’s almost as if the entire Star Wars series is based on traditional story tropes and archetypes that are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Who would have thought!

Just starred you. I'm doing my part!

Such an oddly hostile reaction to a joke.

Culture change.

Call me a sorry Barves fan but it wasn't close enough. I don't think they ever felt like they would win. I need that confidence to be sky high just so the crash is that much more hilarious

I’m so over the posthumous sucking of Steve Job’s dick.

There it is.

Hm, seems counter to this study though?

Sia is Sia’s biggest fan

Stop watching. It’s liberating. The game time is mostly filled with inaction and penalties anyway.

And it has a campus in...NEW YORK CITY!

a player of that calibre

Usually Bears don’t fuck up a pool until September.

Still cooler than MLS.

Halo 1 set the pace for the shooters to come. Halo 2 had unprecedented clan integration. Then it all sorta fell to shit.

Here is mine.