
Wait - what do you think “proven innocent” means? Because it’s the burden of proof of committing the crime, not proof of not doing the crime. It’s up to the accuser and prosecution it happened. And thus with a lack of evidence, there isn’t proof. So....

The sad truth is that it’s going to take either a mass shooting that kills many hundreds, or a string of mass shootings in a row that kills over a thousand people (like 1000 people dead in 2 weeks kinda stuff.) Even then, who knows, but it will require unfathomable numbers.  

Funny, no one seems to chide Harrison Ford for is handwrittten comments on the Raiders script. I guess it’s just because he’s such a “maverick”, huh.

Marvel movies also started really ramping up the “everyone quips like Iron Man” after Iron Man 3 and AoU. It got really grating.

Avellone got absolutely destroyed by Kotaku and when he got exonerated, they shrugged their shoulders.

This whole “being hot is so exploitative” schtick is getting tired. Girl, you’re making your own choices out there, you’re 31, you have agency. You were horny and one of the most desirable men on the planet wanted some. Just own it.

Glad to see the “well ackshually this isn’t impressive because...” commenters already out.  I wonder why....?

So then why did so many high-profile celebrities fall for this shit?

The problem with Rege Jean Page is James Bond is supposed to have charisma and charm.  Or even a sense of a personality.

The polls must be worse than a year ago.  People are really pissed about this and they’re clearly scared.

Sandoval is your classic, stuck in their 20s mindset, talentless douche that will always be chasing younger women because he’s just a plain ol’ loser. That doesn’t excuse what he did to Ariana - it just explains it. The sad truth is there’s not really an interesting reason he did it - I don’t even think he’s all that

Everything looks tone-deaf in hindsight. 30 Rock and Schmidt were far more progressive and insightful about race than broadcast mainstream media. Tracey Jordan’s character wasn’t just a riff on Tracy Morgan, it challenged how media always one-noted black performers - which 30 Rock did, intentionally in some ways, but

Last time I checked, a 22 year-old is an adult. Or do women not have agency at that age?  Are they just poor, naive souls so lost in the world that they are malleable to any man’s whim?

Ah yes, diversity, when we tell Hollywood exactly which kind of Asian/Black/Hispanic/Woman/Minority person is acceptable.  Sounds realllllly familiar, like when certain groups also only prefer “the right kind” of minorities....

Unless you’re a big fan of the 2008 Incredible Hulk, Hurt’s Ross has been a small cameo in all of the subsequent films. He’s had less than 20 mins across 4 films.

Hardcore yet self-aware MCU fan here - when Feige was claiming the Eternals pitch was the best he ever heard, I had serious doubts simply because that level of fawning hadn’t really been a major thing in the MCU up to that point, all the rave reviews came after a film’s release.

This is an insane perspective.

Pugs’ mere existence is cruel. They are basically genetic abominations perpetrated by unnatural breeding and intervention.  They struggle to simple walk down the street.

I think Kevin Feige should absolutely be praised for what he did for Marvel all the way up to Endgame - it’s amazing, unprecedented, and he showed he really cared about the product while trying to balance insane demands of a megacorporation run by some absolute old-school asshole megalomaniacs like Perlmutter.

I always cringe when people say “great standard of living!” I wonder why the prices are lower - could it possibly be lower demand?