
This has happened to me several times when I used to fly to a smaller airport for work.  It was a propeller plane, and the pilots needed to redistribute people to balance it for weight.

It WOULD be great, but “would” is what got us into this mess. Republicans WILL vote for whomever is (R). They WILL show up, they WILL fall in line, and they WILL actively follow whatever rhetoric these asshats churn out.

Brooklyn got gentrified because people can’t afford to live in Manhattan, not because people were like “Hey let’s go to Brooklyn for the lulz”

I watched this game live.  It was maddening.

It’s ok, the comments told me on the Jay Z article that Z is gonna change the NFL from the inside, so this will all blow over.

It’s the right time. This WC showed she knew how to manage the bigger personalities on the team, but that the world is catching up talent-wise and we need much more sophisticated tactics moving forward.

British teens are a uniquely type of violent in the western world. All teens anywhere can have the capacity to be terrible, but British teens have an unbelievably explosive temper and can redline like CRAZY with just about anyone.

Well there’s probably a lot less shopping in that future amirite fellas?

Remember when Pete Carroll lost the Super Bowl with inarguably the dumbest decision ever?  EVER?  

Jackie Brown is the only true good movie he’s made. The acting is top-notch from the main actors, the protagonist is extremely badass but not in the “girl powah” way, the plot actually moves along (and there’s actually a plot), and it’s not AS talky talky.

The Republicans are so much better at storytelling and marketing it’s not even close.  It doesn’t matter what the actual truth is.  What matters is HOW you tell the story in a way that gets people to care and pay attention.  Just presenting facts and “educating” people doesn’t work.  Republicans know this, Dems hope

Broke should just be a weekly series at this point.

I’m from the South.  It’s pure trash, plain and simple.  Don’t @me with the “but muh blue dots!” because they’re not enough.  People there are human garbage and I’m proven right every single fucking time I’m driving around there.

I guess running people over is having guts.  You’re not ready anyway, there’s not enough rascal scooters to get you all to the gathering point.

A potential employer told me to send her a link, so I mailed her some sausage. I didn’t get the job.

Transatlantic first class/business is like 6000 round trip (don’t @me with your “deals” and “hacks”, that shit’s expensive) starting.  You START at 5K and be prepared to put closer to 10 down.  

When asked for comment, the microphone accidentally bumped Neymar’s chest and he was heli-vacced to a hospital.

When was Brady an asshole? I know he’s considered a naive douche but he’s never shown to outwardly be a dick all the time. He doesn’t talk trash or get in people’s faces. I don’t like the guy but he wins and doesn’t’ mouth off about it.

This is a bad take.  It’s failing consistently on the world stage.  The reason it seems like beating a dead horse is because it keeps happening.  It’s not the same argument over and over, it’s more and more examples as the tournament goes on.  It is absolutely shocking how these calls get missed.

Is Bryce Harper, perhaps, not as good as everyone thought he was? Beyond the two seasons where he hit over .300, he’s basically a slightly better version of Dan Uggla, and that’s because Harper walks more.