
It’s not a public conveyance. It’s a privately operated airline with an interest in keeping its customers free from unnecessary hassle. Your attitude when you board an airline should not be, “How much of an asshole can I be?” It should be, “How can I contribute to making everyone’s flight more comfortable?”

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Youtube pranksters are the fucking devil. Saleh is one of the worst; his shtick is exactly this. One of his videos is “Counting down in Arabic on a plane”. Another, posted below, is him pulling hijabs off Muslim women in public, “to see how people react”. He’s a professional asshole, another entitled YouTube piece of

On one hand I could see this happening on the other hand I don’t for one damn minute believe a word this guy says. He has made a career out of being a total jackass and has lied about a similar (and very serious) accusation.

The guy films his pranks at airports or in airplanes and then we’re supposed to be outraged that he finally got kicked off a plane?

Shouting people get kicked off flights all the time.

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

I’ve said it here before but I’ll say it again: people who pose for photos with animals they just killed are sick in the head.

And president-elect baboon’s son recently killed one and posed for a picture with its dead body because he was proud of it.

When the thought, “waiting for the right time to break it to the internet” crosses your mind, it’s a powerful sign that you have made poor life choices.

Trump supporters are dumb, racist assholes. All of them.

This isn’t really in response to you, but I don’t want to reply to the people who are actually saying this shit, and your comment is tangentially related:

Thats my point, I dont think shes doing this to “expose” anything I think she just needs to get paid.


So is she going to donate the book sale profits and any lawsuit money to charity?

My werrrrd, she is a rough-ass 50. I guess that’s what happens when you allow yourself to become a soulless shill: you turn into a shrunken applehead doll.

I really. Really. REALLY. Hate her smug little face. The mooning over Trump - particularly at his victory speech - is just getting over the top and disgusting. I hope he gives her nothing in return for her loyalty and throws her under the proverbial bus as soon as he can.

Ok, this is some straight-up tyrant dictator bullshit now.