“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over two million votes” is going to be my email signature for the next four years.
“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over two million votes” is going to be my email signature for the next four years.
Apologies in advance for the lengthy comment. I have an ethical and moral dilemma, and I could really use some advice, also (and maybe especially) from any attorneys or election experts who might dive into this comments section tonight:
Maybe people care because it’s an insight into the mind of the person in charge of the USA, it’s military and nuclear arsenal for the next 4 years. What we see is someone with screwed up priorities and no understanding of the Constitution that he’s going to swear to uphold.
And just like that - POOF! - all mentions of $25 million dollar fraud-settlement, business meetings with Indian business partners, Ivanka sitting in on the meeting with Japanese leader - gone. Scrubbed, completely, from our collective memory. Hey, at least it’s tidy!
“He has over 25 million followers on Facebook and Twitter and it’s a great way for him to take his message directly to people, cut through the noise or the silence, whatever the case may be,” Conway replied. “Sometimes he’s just trying to cut through the nonsense of people telling Americans what’s important to them,…
No, calling her out isnt misogynistic.
This is really hard because it seems like people like me who feel Carlson is also actively part of the problem are somehow blaming her for being the victim. I don’t think we are - we are not saying “look at what she was wearing”, we’re saying “She was supporting the bullies then they turned on her and seeing as…
I don’t have a problem with how long she waited to sue Fox and Ailes, I have a problem with the fact that she took part in their bad acts for many years and as far as I know, has not expressed any remorse. Bad things can happen to bad people.
I totally agree with you, but will repeat what a Jezzie said months ago about Andrea Tantaros. It really pisses me off that these women smirked and questioned other women who came forward regarding sexual assault, sexual harassment or domestic violence. However, thanks to feminists who have worked tirelessly for…
Kind of rich coming from a woman who spent many years working for a network whose bread and butter is demeaning and doubting women and minorities re: accusations. No one deserves that treatment, but she didn’t just not reveal her own treatment, she actively made it harder for other women.
Not pictured are the included UV gloves to mitigate this. They are fingerless so the nails are still exposed.
Not pictured are the included UV gloves to mitigate this. They are fingerless so the nails are still exposed.
Maybe if she’d spent more time on the company and less promoting herself. You know, like a real boss would.
It’s not unusual when it’s been previously agreed upon. This sounds like it was sprung on their partners without prior statement.
“history’s most prominent mass suicides”
That’s a very weak rickroll.
I’m too lazy to look it up but isn’t Brock one of the 5 names that George Carlin uses in his bit on the stupidest male names in the English language?
I’m ashamed to admit that, a few years back, my husband suggested that name for our son. In my defense, I shot it down immediately.
Headline: Bald Eagle Pummels Canadian Goose After All
Bravo to KWTX!
I’m not sure why I assumed this, but I thought the kid was too young to understand or apologise (based on him saying the kid wouldn’t understand the work put in and the parents apologising maybe?). Like 2 years old or something, where they’re not exactly gonna learn moral lessons like this.