
I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an

Anker Powercore 10400mAh 2-port Portable Charger. Small, compact, and gets the job done. The reviews are what sold me. Use it for charging quad-copter batteries when out in the field.

Anker Powercore 10400mAh 2-port Portable Charger. Small, compact, and gets the job done. The reviews are what sold

You’re cat might not love you if you buy the heated cat bed, but it will definitely love the heated bed. Nothing in my cat’s 18 years seemed to make her happier than this bed.

You’re cat might not love you if you buy the heated cat bed, but it will definitely love the heated bed. Nothing in

It is very hard to make a good living doing something that anybody can do. Ironically, that is both drive an uber, and act.

It’s true. I’ve driven for UBER for about 3 months now and havev received two tips totaling $23.00. It’s terrible. The only thing you can really do is hope and pray you hit a Surge area.

I’m sorry but Kristen Wigg is so utterly boring. Just saw The Martian and honestly, she was beyond wooden. She’s just so dull. And bad nose job to boot.

So they had an ecommerce site served WITHOUT SSL before they were hacked? Well no goddamn wonder there was a breach, they left the store unlocked and the cash register, the safe, and the ledger open, with a big sign on the door that says “we have no idea what we’re doing, here are all of our customers’ credit cards.”

The Wii U is already three years old and is not “winding down”. This last year had seen the release of most of it most wanted and best games, with others like Xenoblade, Zelda and Star Fox still coming.
The NX is not even officially announced. By that time the Wii U will be four years old, and giving past releases, it

I’m a gay man and I would totally switch for her! She is sexy as all hell.

When I read that, I scrolled back up to look at her nose.

Yeah, admittedly I’m not much of a connoisseur of noses, but I always thought hers was cute. Maybe she grew into it? Also kids are assholes.

Fuck that guy. Natalie Dormer is fucking beyond stunning. I consider myself pretty firmly heterosexual but she is the only woman who has ever made me go “Hmmmmm...”