
well, there’s a movement of guys who call themselves incels, which is a portmanteau for involuntarily celibate.

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

My guess is they would have been doing the same thing I there wasn't a promotion. Maybe not to that extent though.

You really can’t see why this is stupid? The narcissism, the addiction to their phones, the inability to connect to the world around them. It’s all pretty sad. I mean it’s not like they took one or two selfies, they were all literally glued to their phones the whole time taking selfie after selfie. The announcer is

The battery is actually designed with additional circuitry for quick charging, there are additional chips involved as well. Qualcomm put a lot into the system and its an amazing convenience you won’t miss until you’ve become used to it.

The battery is actually designed with additional circuitry for quick charging, there are additional chips involved

That’s a “ginger tan.”

I can’t star comments like these enough. The patriarchy creates self-loathing men. Access to guns turns them into terrorists.

Here is a good opinion piece on why so many killers are male and fit this guy’s profile.

Nope, i think it looks downright appalling. Why it so big?!?!? It’s too much. The interior is soo ugly, even aside from the screen.

I think the fact that she’s doubling down about something that is demonstrably false is pretty unusual, especially since she is stamping her feet and claiming media bias when even the conservative media says she’s full of shit.

Why are you upset, as you said, you got a great car with great mileage?

Wait a second, you want to cut funding for the EPA, because they didn’t do enough about a GM ignition switch issue? Wouldn’t that fall under NTSB and not EPA? The logic there escapes me.

Really you are pissed at the BBC over something illegal which you then go on to say you don’t even know if they did. Yeah, I get pissed too at illegal things I make up that might have happened.

Yes, their Visa can be revoked, and they can be deported (which is normally what happens when a diplomat does something excessively shitty).

Just to be clear..Mayweather is dogshit and he deserves to suffer, and I really don’t know anything about Rousey, but...

This is what he means by “hoverboard” apparently.

I remember when this was all the rage a while back and there was an app called Connectify that everyone wanted and even pirated. The feature has been free on OS X called Internet Sharing, and now Virtual Router and even this command line does it for free, too.

There’s also Virtual Router Manager which literally just gives you an easy interface to use.

Ha oh not even remotely.