
I mean, they made Guardians of the Galaxy into a beloved franchise—Guardians. of. the. Galaxy.

I don’t begrudge them. Get that money.

*curating, not cursing

I love Tribe. Fucking live Tribe. They’re really going after that last payday though, huh?

He is not getting a vehicle to demonstrate why he’s a great nemesis: Doom is getting a vehicle because he is a great solo character.

My objection is not due to inconsistency but because I don’t think Doom requires an origin movie. I like my Doom fully formed.

Wholly unnecessary wank.

If we could just start at this part I like it.

I’m sorry but I can’t imagine anything less interesting.

Disagree. Doom is grand, operatic, ALL-CAPS POWER. To focus on politics is to lessen Doom.

Dozens, most supervillains led lives in which they could have gone either way. That’s not really so interesting about Doom; the reason Doom was a well-loved character and led to so many writers really leaning in to his dichotomy in relatively recent years is that he’s always been depicted as so much more capable than

Doom has been depicted as Sorcerer Supreme-level for years. Was I a bit hyperbolic on his superiority to Strange? Perhaps, but it’s not much of a gap.

A Doom origin movie is the only way we get Doom the way we want him

Winter Soldier was excellent, and the spy-type thriller made sense for such a character.

Doom doesn’t think he’s a good person. Doom is above good or bad, as Doom is superior. 

Doom is an amazing character and unambiguously bad. I can’t think of anything less interesting to do with him than a political thriller origin-type standalone movie depicting his rise to the Latverian throne.

I haven’t seen Fargo and he may be an excellent person to handle, but I reject the premise of a political thriller.

A standalone DOOM movie that’s a political thriller and exploring whether he’s a good guy or bad guy? Please fuck off.

The Infinity War covers are very good, other than someone not knowing when to stop on airbrushing Wanda.

AoU’s missteps were the result of too much set up for the future. Infinity War is the culmination, so I don’t anticipate that issue.