
While “competent” isn’t glowing praise, it might as well be...” No its b.s. praise by someone who cant bring themselves to write an entire article on Biden without snark even when he performs well. Especially when their only critique seems to be, “he wont use the exact words I want him to use because he is wisely

i love this movie with my whole heart

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.

You guys! I just started playing DnD and had the most fun writing my character’s backstory. This first campaign has been pretty awkward (3 total noobs and my BIL as DM - we do alot of looking things up in the book and super stilted dialogue) but it is SO MUCH FUN. I’m playing a half-elf rogue faction agent with a rock

I wish I shared your inclination to give them the benefit of the doubt. An alternative: Trump told Kellyanne she had to go because Claudia is embarrassing him on the TikiToks. He wouldn’t care about her husband making fun of him, but a teenage girl clowning him? Well, that’s just nasty. Why can’t she be nice and

“Ellen was always nice to me, a pop star, so I can’t believe she would be shitty to an assistant!” Cool, thanks, Katy!

I am married to an Aries. Can confirm.

Right—because I just came here to point out that despite the seemingly misleading name, we Aries are a fire sign.

Yes, let’s celebrate the compelling story of the whiny assassin who’s only motivation is to bang his sister. Let’s also celebrate the game that is so absolutely littered with garbage collectables and awful side quests that you can’t see the map underneath the icons.

I don’t even believe in astrology and yet....true

Thats definitely sag!

As a Sag I’m honored to be seen as good because we’re normally seen as kind of chaotic/bad. I never really felt like a Sag because I’m not super outgoing but I’ve recently realized the essence of a Sag is basically just going through a lot of shit and only telling selective people or making big decisions and only


That's Elon's 6th child. The man left his first wife with 5 under 5.


I mostly hate the “celebrity interviews people” genre of podcast, but I decided I enjoy his because he does so very little of the talking and is genuinely interested in what his subject has to say and enjoys talking to them. So fucking rare. (ETA: I hate pretty much all celebrity podcasts)

He was so perfect in Fright Night!  I loved it!  They also left out The Decoy Bride, which is one of my all time favorites, I loved the chemistry between him and Kelly MacDonald.

Matt Smith is overrated AF. You have my sword.

I’ve had a Tennant Crush for YEARS now. The man is inexplicably hot.

Sending you whatever positive vibes and support I can over the internet because I completely understand what you’re going through. My daughter was born last February so she wasn’t born during Covid, but she hit basically every major milestone during this pandemic- crawling, walking and talking (eh, more so babbling