
I definitely have a not-bedding regret too!

I should have added the time I sold a Nirvana ticket to a coworker - it was sold out and she was desperate to give it to her teenage son. She pleaded with me, offered me $40 (so I made maybe $20-25), and offered to take me to dinner while she waited for the show, which was near our office. Being poor, I accepted,

I was walking down Huntington Ave in Boston, a few blocks from where the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays. A car pulled over and the driver asked, “How do you get to Symphony Hall?” Did I take the biggest, juiciest, lowest-hanging fruit ever and shout, “Practice!”? No. I said, “Oh, it’s around the corner and on the

Turning down a free ticket to one of Nirvana’s final shows because I didn’t trust my car to get me there. 

I am 34 now, and happily married.

I faked a panic attack so I wouldn’t have to go to soccer practice and David Beckham just happened to be swinging by to coach that day. I cried for days when I found out afterwards. Got to see him weeks later, but it was just like a “hello children” waving as he walks by kinda thing. I never faked sick again.

My husband and I went on a honeymoon cruise, and one night the entertainment was a Newlywed Game style audience participation show where they picked a newlywed couple from the audience, a couple that had been married the longest, and a couple in between to participate as contestants. We were the newlywed couple. In

Once I was sitting in an airport bar waiting for my flight and a German couple was sitting next to me. At one point, the lady sneezed and I said “bless you” instead of gesundheit.” This happened a decade ago and I still think about it at least once a week.


That’s communism. Letting the the market price everybody out of the city is the American way!

I’ve heard her on some podcasts, it sounds like she knew enough.  And she admits she was pretty awful to Macauley Culkin.  I got the sense that she and Ashton were both ashamed of how they had treated people in their lives and bonded over their desire to grow up and be better people.  I am in a similar situation in my

Unrelated (I think) anecdote: a friend of mine who works in casting happens to be Wiccan. She told me that she put a hex on her apartment that wouldn’t let anyone with “bad intentions” cross her threshold. A friend of hers came by one day & had a buddy in tow - Terence Howard. (This was slightly before Hustle & Flow

A man I know who says he’s a Democrat and says lots of feminist words (when he’s talking about his hopes for his college-age daughter) didn’t vote for Hillary in ‘16. He was one of those ridiculous “protest votes” for one of the independent candidates (one of the MALE ind candidates). His only reasoning was “I just

Ugh, I was bullied too but it took me forever to realize it because I also had some really great friends and had fun times. But I would alsoget tripped, spit on, called a whore (before I’d ever even kissed someone) and told to kill myself. Once a boy picked up a piece of roadkill and put it in the hood of my

I too hate that song, but for a different reason.  

America: where “abortion is murder” and worthy of political activism but the actual murders of living, breathing children are met with political apathy at best. 

But America loves those pre-children clusters of cells!!

Oh, you’re selling us short! We hate everyone except rich white men. Children are just one of the many, many groups meriting our loathing.

Never Forget: America hates its children.

I honestly don’t get cynical people. What’s the point? That if we don’t get 100% of what we want, it’s not worth it to try for anything? That failure is inevitable, so fuck it? Is it a defense mechanism, to protect yourself from getting your hopes up?