
Hillary Clinton’s sense of humor is amazing and legendary. Of course she brings up her emails, and your positing that the world has moved on from them is simply incorrect. Trump, Fox and co still bring them up all the time. And if you think we’re all going to refrain from “but her emails...” comments for every moment

From 2002 people, 2002.

i mean. relationships have been staged for publicity since the beginning of publicity. at this point, when a publicist comes up with a unique idea to keep the presses printing, they deserve a big ass holiday bonus.

I’m planning to resurrect some dating apps soon and I am 100% going to put “I will be your filthy-mouthed wife” or something like that in my bio.

Well then I’ll have to check it out!

St. Vincent is my rock ‘n’ roll girlfriend.

Can’t find the Archer picture but....

sarah believes being a woman trumps being a monster.

Never listened to her until this album. It’s a little one note, but it’s very good at what it’s doing.

Until very recently the only songs of hers I knew were “Ride” and “Video Games,” which I didn’t care for in that while they’re catchy they also depressed the hell out of me because they both feel like music for girls who think having a boyfriend is more important than having other female friends. Ride in particular

This. If she would have said, “I know I’m in love because he snores so loud every night and I literally want to smother him with a pillow, but I don’t because I like him sometimes”, then I would totally believe it. Her quote sounds like something a PR firm told her to say.

Right? Just you wait young lady. You’ll hit 35 and realize love is actually just not murdering your partner when they take an extra long shit in the morning just before you needed to use the bathroom to apply your many expensive face serums.

Preface: I love Brit Brit! Buuuuttttt...

I reckon the secret to Jeff’s success and ever happy demeanour is that he has been microdosing acid for years, as inspired by Cary Grant’s achievements in this regard. It’s how I want to spend my retirement anyhoo. This is what good acid looks like to me :)

~In the not so distant future~

How does writing a song about bottoming give anyone the right to pry into this guy’s sex life? He wrote about it on his own terms, but that doesn’t mean he loses all right to privacy or that people/strangers can ask about it. If a woman, say, takes a nude photo of herself does that mean that anyone who photographs her

I just don’t understand what’s so hard about it.

For those who think that the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people is the primary problem, and that impeaching and removing him from office will solve the problem, this should serve as a wake-up call. It’s a trap that I sometimes fall into. I have to keep catching myself, and reminding myself

I also thought it said the Jew pope.