
can I add white, male Millennials that incessantly refer to each other as ‘Brother!’

petition to add ‘my tribe’ to this list. signed, another judgey bitch (lets get a drink at an outdoor cafe and people watch together PLEASE)

I have such a hard time keeping the Kravitz/Bonet family straight because all I see is a collection of beautiful people — Lenny Kravitz, Zoe Kravitz, Lisa Bonet, Jason Momoa — and the ravages of age mean nothing to any of them, so they are timeless, talented, and beautiful and could mix and mingle and morph into each

Delaney was an irritating white man with nothing to offer and yet interrupted everyone constantly in order to say nothing.

This is HORRIBLE! I really hope this man spends every single remaining day of a VERY LONG life in a dark cel in jail, feeling itchy in that part of the back he just cannot reach.

But the real threat to society is women making up accusations for revenge, right? Or is it laughing at people...

I know we don’t like to hang the label “role model” on famous persons but, it gave me such a swell in my heart when the camera panned to the audience and showed two young beautiful girls just loving this performance - black excellence and with nary a *girl-on-girl crime lyric in sight.

Both of these ingredients have their uses. I am never going to make aioli with garlic powder, but for a spice rub I am on board.

Is this the place where I mention that my partner got me to start using a CeraVe hyaluronic acid face wash every night and she was 100% right because it has made my face look a million times better?

“We didn’t mean to exclude you, we just happened to get together, oh and while we hung out we made a bunch of decisions, here they are.” Like we don’t get exactly what happened and that it was very intentional, especially in smaller groups.

True. I’m one of the only women in my field, and all the pre-meeting and lunch chatter is about either sports or hunting (SO BORING) so I usually show up just as meetings are starting and if it’s an all day meeting, I’ll go run errands and eat on my own during the break. But one all-day, highly contentious meeting was

He’s got that dad strength.

You see, ladies, there’s the fake meeting/conference and the real meeting/conference.

They’re nerds. I am sure this isn’t the first time they’ve Photoshopped a woman into a picture with them.

I’m on the board at my temple. It turned out that (a) we didn’t have an official vaccination policy for the summer camp because most of our congregation isn’t stupid and (b) someone in our congregation is an anti-vaxxer and was trying to claim a religious exemption.

Counterpoint: I do want to be touched by Keanu Reeves.

Unless she is naming her child Batmo I don’t wanna know...

“I’m sorrrrryyyyyyy!”
*takes another bite*

I want to go into a pretentious restaurant just once to see if I can ask, "Do you have any dishes that play with time? The concept of time?" without laughing. Because I don't know how Keanu did that.