I genuinely loved that Ving’s entire point in this movie was to just read expository dialogue.
I am only here to quibble over the tag of One Erection.
The correct and time tested tag for the group on Jezebel has been and always will be Wand Erection, even if you are only talking about a single member (ha!) of the group
My wife dragged me to a Harry Styles concert. She will no longer have to drag me to his concerts. This boy is beautiful. Plus, he put on a great show.
We had a black president before we had a black photographer shoot a cover image for Vogue. This is insane.
Oh, I know! She’s one of the auditors for the Oscars, right?
I call that the Dummy Translator. My husband’s favorite shows are all full of it (see: old man CBS programming, like NCIS).
It’s OK. Those of us whole love these movies are already aware of just how stupid they are. For me, at least, half the fun is the bad plotting/expo dumps. I prefer movies where I can lean over to my husband in the first five seconds a character is on screen and say “he’s the bad guy under deep cover.” I find…
I loathe Kushner, but I am also kind of getting an “ew, she picked that wimpy Jewboy” vibe from from this- both the quote and the coverage. So I’m not feeling great about it.
This is my in laws. My father in law passed away from Cancer at 77 and my mother in law was in her late 50s at the time. She is very healthy and probably has another 30 years in her easy.
Same. My mom’s life is now mostly taking care of my father, because he’s 81 and frail, even though she’s an extremely vigorous 60.
My dad is 20 years older than my mom, and they had me fairly late - 32 and 52. It sucks, and has been a huge motivator in my decision to have kids sooner rather than later. Granted, I’ll still be in my early 30s if all goes according to plan, but I know a lot of people waiting even longer.
I’m so sorry. :( *sends gentle hugs across the interwebs*
What do they talk about? You know, the usual — soup, snow peas, the outdoors. But, really, they can talk or not talk forever.
It will amuse me to no end if some shit like this gets him impeached even before Muller is done.
This reminded me of a story of a friend who was an underwater welder. I was talking with her and she said she had to miss work that day because she got a little sting and I asked for clarification and she showed me a picture and I was like...”is that a shark bite!?” What’s more crazy, she used her welding rod to…
THIS. CGI always just looks so fake and corny. And I always use the Jurassic Park comparison. First one looked awesome, since they used animatronics and not CGI. The later ones just look bad.
Also notice what appears to be casual antisemitism there.
I like the first who went all “The only way to stop a bad gust with an umbrella is a good guy with an umbrella”. Fight fire with fire they say...