“But - but - why won’t you let me participate in your event raising awareness about problems I’ve spent my entire life enabling? Why are you being so intolerant?”
“But - but - why won’t you let me participate in your event raising awareness about problems I’ve spent my entire life enabling? Why are you being so intolerant?”
I swear to god male ego has gotten more fragile since the Internet. Like seriously you have to stalk women on fucking Spotify?
kim is out there wearing a style on her head than many a poc, in many of place of work, cannot without fear of termination or ridicule.
I hated it too!! But I heard the novel has much more emotion and didn’t make you feel creepy about the age difference, and aloof as the film did. The movie felt so pretentious though. It is literally about Weathly white family and their son vacationing in Italy while their son wrestles with his gay feeling and uses…
Note: the peach (which had more acting range than Armie Hammer), will not be reprising it’s role due to an unfortunate workplace accident.
Parenthood has had the same effect on me. It does’t matter how shallow or vapid the piece, once there are children in peril or parents powerless to help their children, I am a mess.
Right, that’s why you finished the story with “#checkmate” which we all know is not a universal term for winning.
Pretty weird to use your best friend’s suicide to “win” an internet argument then finish the story with a flippant hashtag.
“I’m not blaming, but [blames]"
“im not blaming, but....”
that epilogue was replaced with Sufjan Stevens
Now I wish I owned land adjacent to Mar-a-Lago. I'd buy & fly one of these every freaking weekend. Proudly.
I went googling for a Dumbo Bambie hybrid expecting the internet to fail me... I give you the glory that is Dumbie.
are you new here
So what you’re saying is this Goldberg guy is some kind of rube?
<clapping slowly.... stands up.... forcefully clapping....>
A Bryan Goldberg machine is a device designed to perform a simple task incorrectly.
too on the nose?
I know this is a few days late, since I’m a few days late reading this article, but I have to say, from reading your comment, it brings up another point in my mind. Your boss, and bosses like her, are really shooting themselves in the foot. Because you don’t feel comfortable sharing this information in advance, she…