That T-Pain tweet is the ultimate “stars, they’re just like us!”
That T-Pain tweet is the ultimate “stars, they’re just like us!”
It took me no less than 4 times to watch Blade Runner, in its entirety, without falling asleep.
I just need to vent about this idiotic idea of arming teachers as a solution. While I have tremendous sympathy to those victims and their families who might see this as at least giving them a fighting chance to survive, it’s wrongheaded in so many ways. A military style assault weapon, like the AR-15 is a designed to…
Here. Cleanse yourself.
“I need to succeed so she can succeed.” What a powerful message to send to kids about supporting each other. I can’t wait to see this.
...judge, judge, judge, judge, judge
Judges gonna judge.
Spectacular spectacular?
One couple when I worked retail even refused my help because they said that if I was willing to lie about my name (only white people can have Western names, according to them, and us Asians must have other names), then I wouldn’t be truthful in other ways.
According to Republicans, these are all just people who made poor life choices and expect others to pay for it.
To riff on one of your questions, I noticed in one of the few female gaze moments in film, Kyle Rens shirtless scene in TLJ, men immediately jumped to make for of him. To make fun of that scene.
Things Jesus Said About Rich People:
Written at a time when there was pretty much no scientific knowledge to explain the world. So people could say “hey, God told me to write this down” and everyone would pretty much go along with it. So I get why people embraced it 2,000 years ago. But NOW? I was raised Catholic, I’d say I’m agnostic/atheist now. I’m…