“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”
“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”
There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s covfefe.
If anyone has recommendations for an eye cream that actually does something about dark circles, I am ALL EARS. Inexpensive is obviously preferred, but honestly, at this point I’ll try anything that costs less than my rent and isn’t made from, like, kittens.
10/10 can confirm that ball-walking = bigger calves. My BF has tendon damage on the sides of his feet*, and after decades of basically tiptoeing around, dear GOD he has the shapeliest calves I have ever seen on a man. I can’t even look at him flex his legs because the muscle definition is just.... Michelangelo levels…
I think this kind of comment is rude and unnecessary. My best guy friend is losing his hair and he is pretty self conscious about it and there’s really nothing he can do. He has it cropped short right now and honestly looks fine. It’s not that big of a deal and I think it’s kinda shitty to actively try to make men…
Oh, I get it. ‘Estrogen Hour’ cause crying and having empathy is for women. We should totally listen to men like Sabo. He knows the correct way for men to have feelings - gunning down hundreds of innocent people from the safety of a hotel room.
And... I mean.... PAPER TOWELS??
I was hoping that everyone in that crowd would start throwing the paper towels back at him, but her would likely just cause all sorts of trouble for them.
It was...absurd. Like a dystopian film. Except we’re all fucking godamn in it. And it’s real.
He needed a t shirt cannon loaded with MAGA apparel.
I didn’t expect to cry through the whole thing.
All day long yesterday, I was on the phone talking to people for work, and most of us didn’t (or couldn’t) even acknowledge what had happened. We just put our heads down and went ahead like every other day.
I took an antibiotic two months ago that I got from a walk in clinic. I started feeling crappy again and went to a different clinic, closer to my house, and they said, “Oh, it seems you just were on an antibiotic?” and then lectured me on antibiotic abuse.
Was seeing clips of this on MSNBC last night. Watching this funny man come close to breaking down just gutted me.
Guys I get it, it wasn’t a very good joke but please stop responding with your childhood smells and/or hot takes on the job market lol.
Everyone is answering this in earnest and I’m just like :((((((
While it’s an interesting theory that he’s got some reverse Samson thing going on with his hair, I think he’s just maturing. Like a fine fucking wine. Also, he definitely has more freedom to do what he wants as a solo artist.
And it isn’t like they have to go out to movies. Hell, I have friends who are nobodies and they can get copies of first run movies. Why not stay home and get some rest?