

I’m committed to Long Summer Vacations FTW. Dude...3 months of no requirements. I don’t remember what that feels like anymore...to just wake up and think “what am I gonna do today? Maybe go to the beach? Or read a book? Or hang out in a tree? Or bike to my friend’s house?” Weekends as an adult are filled with shit you

Perfect GIF.

That is a wonderful tradition and I support it wholeheartedly.


Never has a Poe reference been more perfect.

No one should hate you for expressing the inner conflict you have faced as a POC. As a white person, I will not ever be able to understand what you have to go through, and I appreciate you sharing your story and your inner thoughts.

Wow holy shit. I can’t even imagine what that must have felt like as a child, and what it means to you now.

It was perfect.

It was perfect.


I gotta say, I saw it this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. They gave most of the central characters a little more of a backstory and I think it really added to the tale. I really loved Josh Gad’s portrayal of LeFou - a standard lame sidekick character in the cartoon became a much funnier and more interesting

I can’t deal with this. My heart is breaking for that family.

This is good

No way. I interpreted it as making fun of the arguments Trump fans make to justify their support.

See if I had millions of dollars to spent on a home, THIS would be it. There are mega mansions here in LA going for $10-12 million. Who wants a lame ass mega mention when you could have a fucking CASTLE that Henry the VIII and Ann Boleyn were in?!

Do you think it has granite countertops?

I remember people’s criticisms of him included that he was wooden and boring. He REALLY should have released this photo.


I could definitely keep looking at Luke Evans though...