
Since it was only placed on my finger a few weeks ago, they’re going to have to chop my “heart of the ocean” ring off my cold dead hands. That recruiter can suck it.

The James Bond “consideration list” in that Hiddleston link has to be bullshit, right? Because, as much as a love Jason Statham (and I DO love Jason Statham), there is no way in hell he would be considered for Bond. Unless Guy Ritchie is directing the new Bond film...actually...I’d watch that.

Seriously!! Those fire snake me so angry. I’m a Californian so I’m used to fire season, but the ones that were human accident? Fuuuuuck those people.

I think you got Kinja’d!


Holy shit.

Those movies are NATIONAL TREASURES. Like, no joke, I really want to own the box set. After a few duds (2 Fast 2 Furious, Tokyo Drift) they realized what they were good at and just AMPED. IT. UP. Driving a car through three skyscrapers? No prob. Jump a car off some debris over a ravine and have it land on another

I got 10/10 and an average of 3.9. I am apparently a “human shazam”.

I legit ruined a tween’s day/life because I was running a meet and greet and he basically threw his phone at me to take a “snap” of him with the band and I did not know what to do. Plus, his phone had a cracked screen and the home button didn’t work so he had that little bubble thing on the screen. I was like...what

Right? Like, I am HERE for this gossip.

Yes. Yes. YES.


This almost brought me to tears. He is so brilliant and so amazing. #Obamapleasedontgo

I interacted with him once when I was an assistant at his talent agency and he was very kind and funny. That sounds like basic human interaction, but we were considered replaceable cogs in a machine, and none of the actors/musicians really talked to us. He went the extra mile to learn my name and chat with me for

This is perfect.

I am INTO it.

You know Republican leadership is just SO excited that a celebrity other than Scott Baio is supporting Trump. They’re like, JESUS PR TEAM GET ON THIS. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO IS POPULAR WITH THE YOUTH.


Now playing

I now have two reasons to love Michael Bolton.