I met my super awesome, feminist boyfriend (now fiancé) online too. There are some good ones out there!
I met my super awesome, feminist boyfriend (now fiancé) online too. There are some good ones out there!
This is the best analogy. Ever.
I needed this today. (Your GIF, not necessarily her tweet).
I could watch this all. damn. day.
b) sansa being salty af that she doesn’t get to be queen in the north
I'll fight with you because I agree!
UGhhhh I wish I had anything else! I just vaguely know which artists are assholes to work with. Not super exciting. I had more goss when I worked at a talent agency. Haha.
DEFINITELY did that.
This reeks of, “Demi you can’t quit Twitter we have contractual obligations with the record label and several of your brand partnerships that guarantee a certain number of social posts.” But maybe I’m wrong! Maybe she just loves her Lovatics too much.
This is everything.
Agreed. This is so tragic. I was a fan - was really looking forward to seeing him in more films. My heart goes out to his family.
This title isn’t clickbait or misleading at all. The woman had an abortion at 32 weeks - it literally doesn’t get any more factual and honest than that. Her reasons for doing it do not need to be in the title of the article.
This is wonderful. I try to be a good person, but you have inspired me to really take it to the next level and make an extra effort to bring some more kindness and light into this world.
I don’t think about the victims, and their families whose lives were just shredded. Because I can’t. Because to think about it and morn it, would be my entire life at this point. It would be every day.
I am American and completely agree with you. There is ZERO need for civilians to have high powered weaponry. Zero. Sometimes it feels like we’re shouting “STOP THIS!!” into a void. Except the void is our government.
I was 11 years old when Columbine happened. It was shocking, it was sad, it was enraging - I felt it all. I’m 28 now, and I no longer have feelings about shootings. I feel nothing. They’ve been a part of my life for too long. I’ve had 17 years of the news being peppered with phrases like “mass shooting”, “armed…
My love for Joel McHale has intensified.