I fully support this
I fully support this
Jack Sparrow is GOLD. It’s the most fucking random thing on the internet and it is the best.
I normally messaged all the dudes I was interested in on OKC, except my current bf -he messaged me. Once we started dating he was absolutely bewildered by the messages I showed him I had received from guys. “hey”, “hey”, “hey”, “nice tits”, “hey”, “suck my dick” etc etc. He was like, wow I thought I just sent you an…
I am LOVING Anne Hathaway’s look. Absolutely stunning.
Interesting! I definitely think it’s an amusing video, I just don’t understand how it went viral because it doesn’t seem funny enough for that. The mysteries of the Internet!
I’ve watched it a few times...and I do not understand how it went viral. Does that mean I’m old? I’m not even 30 yet!
Yup that is definitely a picture of me right now.
That is the EXACT movie that was playing in my head the whole time I was reading this haha
I like how verbally communicative they are...mostly. 5am meowing and stabbing me in the mouth? Not so much.
Both are stellar diddling options.
Um...I own it and love it. WITH YOU.
Wait...that’s weird?
Oh man, that’ll SO be me when Arwen goes. No matter how much of an asshole they are, you love them.
That second line...TRUTH
Oh. My. God.
Oh goodness I am so sorry. If you can afford it, try and get someone who will come to your home and euthanize him. I did that with my cat and I think it made all the difference to her to be at home and in my lap. Your post made me tear up just remembering. Sending positive vibes your way - it’s a very hard time.
What is WITH those Siamese cats and the bathroom door? Mine just cries. Criiiieeesssss. She loves crying. She loves crying at 4am. She loves crying when I’m pooping. She loves crying when I’m on conference calls. She loooooves it.
As someone who owns an incredibly annoying, vocal, face punching, smothering, Siamese cat...I feel you so hard right now. She is the absolute worst and we call her bitch kitty. We love her...and can’t stand her. We adopted her, and love her, and pledged our lives to her so she’s going to be with us until the day she…