
Yeah, I did catch that, but it felt like such an afterthought

I agree with basically all of this, but I have a much less charitable take on it. I would never suggest that Scheff is using his status as a survivor to justify any disagreement with experts and audience members, but I do think that the other elements of who he is (being white and male, especially) have maybe blinded

I had so, so many issues with this show, and this didn’t even make top 10.

Right? I was initially uncertain whether they were a troll or just extremely wrong, but after interacting with them for a while it became pretty clear.

I apologize for assuming your gender, but nothing else.

I think this guy either doesn’t get that “white supremacy” is not exactly the same thing as“white supremacist” (as in, KKK/neo Nazis), OR he knows that very well and nothing we say is going to get through.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You’re the one talking about PERFORMING mental illness. I simply pointed out that no, being mentally ill doesn’t absolve one of one’s actions. Which it doesn’t. I didn’t say she wasn’t mentally ill (I have no idea - I’m not her doctor), I simply said I don’t care if she is mentally ill,

It’s interesting that you assume I am a Black woman. I am not.

You can be mentally ill and still engage with white supremacy. You can be a victim of abuse and still engage with white supremacy. You can have had to make some difficult decisions and still engage with white supremacy.

Thank you for saying that. This is an area in which I really feel stepped on by straight women and I don’t like feeling demonized for pointing out something that seems really obvious to me.

I have a slightly more moderate stance (though I’m generally a socialist, so I object to the fact that currently only the wealthy can really afford most reproductive technology), but I absolutely agree that there is a privilege inherent in these conversations that we’re just not addressing. I don’t especially

We might be! Except you are too 30 for this mess and I am not yet 30, so maybe you’re future me.

Hey, I never said I didn’t think that woman is selfish too.

Also, so glad that worked out for your friend. I hope she does adopt her second!

Yep. Part of the reason that I’ve never accepted marriage or parenthood as “goals” is that those things are not objects or accomplishments. They’re relationships. Parenting is an ongoing relationship with another human being, and NO ONE has a right to exclusively define the terms of their relationship with another

Well, I mean, I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t really have a ton of sympathy for someone who desperately wants children but won’t consider adoption. No one has to agree with me! But I think that’s what I mean. What Lunchcoma seemed to be saying was that adoption can be as difficult and expensive as IVF, which I

YES. THIS MAKES ME SO MAD. Like, there’s a conversion process for babies and kids, you know. Because plenty of Jewish families adopt and I have several friends whose bio parents weren’t Jewish and were adopted and raised by Jewish families.

Good fucking question! I got into an argument about something similar with my overall pretty great parter the other day. Like, you don’t want me to take over the plans because I’m too much of a planner, but you also won’t do anything about it? So then we just won’t have a way to get to this wedding 7 hours away?

Or it’s a sign that I’m trying to clarify the tone with which I’m making the statement, since I know it’s a sensitive topic.

That’s good! My current partner is pretty good as well (though my ex really was not). It helps that he’s neat but not fastidious and I’m fastidious but not especially neat, so we even each other out.