
I agree completely. I did seek to express this in my comment, but I realize it’s more subtext than directly stated. The assumption that one’s perspective is not just more important than others, but more valid than scientific and expert analysis, is almost always particular to white men.

I feel compassion for Scheff, he’s a survivor, and clearly part of this project was dealing with his own trauma. At the same time, experts told him he would cause damage to people at risk of suicide, yet he is surprised people are upset he didn’t use their public health advice. Personally, I muted the screen and

It sounds like you really need one of us who disagrees with you to concede this point. Life is not as black and white as the 2 scenarios you posited. Often denigrating adoption is more insidious than your first scenario. Even though there are the complete assholes who string a faulty logic chain shrieking about how

I’m black you dumbass

I’m reading a website filled with celebrity gossip and sex and fashion in a country where the president is a rapist. It’s not clear where you’re writing from, but it’s pretty likely that it’s a lousy place to be a woman as well. Middle Eastern women are capable of navigating these choices themselves, just as we are. 

my policy is $50-$100 for the first wedding, my presence at the 2nd wedding, my therapist’s number for any more weddings.

Well, you know the saying: You can tell a bigot, but you can’t tell them much.