
Here’s the problem. The first step, in which they posted the image without knowing it’s connotations of and associations with racism is not the issue.

4chan imageboard /pol/ tricked a bunch of people that an old meme was a racist mascot and it balooned to the point where everyone now thinks it.

a bunch of idiots turned him into a symbol of racism. and i’m not talking about the alt-right.

Still fairly certain the last LHC fucked up reality and we’re all dead. I mean, had anybody heard of the Mandela Effect BEFORE that fucker was switched on? I’m definitely crazy, but I’ve ALSO noticed a sizable shift in the number of times I’ve had deja vu the past five years or so too.

I also liked the first Thor for essentially the same reasons. People like to complain about Loki’s nonsensical “plan”, but the truth is that he never really had a central plan. Throughout the first movie he’s mostly rolling with the punches as new and painful facts are revealed to him then lashing out, so he’s not

I’m sorry, but I loved the first Thor; I told friends consider it an amalgamation of Shakespeare plots with a sci-fi twist.

Whenever I see this analysis of the situation, it always feels like people are saying “I don’t care, so long as it doesn’t have an effect on me.”

I would be totally fine with placing Monopoly dead last. I can honestly say that in 30 years of playing it, I can’t recall ever having enjoyed it, even for a minute.

I was a fairly high ranking Smite player and Mortal Kombat 9 (and related FGC) player pre-transition. After coming out as trans and seeing the toxicity of the competitive world I dropped any hopes of competing, if the hate wasn’t directed at me it was directed towards other trans women in the community at large. I

I love that this is a conversation that can happen on the internet. A question, a reasoned and thoughtful answer, and a genuine thank you from the question asker.

I hate these posts that make my sci-fi parenting look inept.

Do they LOOK meaner? I suppose.

Seriously, though: the militarization of police, the almost universal switch now to all-black or deep navy uniforms instead of the friendlier sky or royal blue... all that is just so worrisome.

Jeebus, the disconnect in this country is terrifying.

Didn’t expect to see so many people sticking up for the police on this one. The Punisher doesn’t care about the law. He cares about revenge and murdering criminals. There’s never any evidence, trial by peers, judge or anything similiar involved with the Punisher. If Frank Castle were a real human, having murdered

I went to one Pokemon card game tournament. I was eleven. I met an old, fat man who told me we’d play for keeps. Don’t know if I even knew the official rules, since my brother and I just made up our own version. He took all of my cards. If you’re reading this, old man, I hate you. You’re the fucking worst.

A semantic criticism: This IS a political action, but it is NOT a partisan one.

Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.

Humble Bundle has always featured charities. Usually currently relevant ones, as charities need more funding when presently stretched than when not. This isn’t any different than any other charity drive this charitable organization has performed. The most “political” this gets is a brief explanation of what the

There used to be a left/right divide over which rights were most important. Now there’s a left/right divide over whether rights exist.