
Lol no, capitalists create artificial scarcity.

Scarcity is something quite a lot of people enjoy. They’re called billionaires. If the technology to duplicate food items ad infinitum existed, billionaires would do everything in their power to prevent us from feeding everyone who needed food. And they would most likely succeed.

Let’s all say it together, folks:

Calling it an expansion pack was a mistake. I expected a $10 increase, not more than double what people are already paying for. Wondering if this will flop. It costs nearly as much as xbox live and playstation plus, and nintendo’s only incentive are old games, while playstation and xbox both offer new titles each

I’m sorry that’s ridiculous. NSO is hardly worth the monthly fee right now as someone who doesn’t do a lot of online gaming. The NES/SNES stuff was cool but its pretty much the only thing you get besides online gaming with NSO. Now they are finally introducing new content (new meaning games that came out 25+ years

I’m up 300% on gamestop. It’s 200 dollars a share a has been around that for months and months. It was 5 dollars before everything. What are you talking about. People are really mad this guy who wasn’t a millionare pointed out somethimgthat was true about the stock. And now the stock is holding value at 200 and your

Did he? Can’t say I followed intently but he appears to have held and exercised his options adding to his position at his last posting. It is entirely possible it has all been sold. God knows I would have.

Pump n dump? GME is still trading at many multiples higher than when this guy started promoting.

Can’t have the riff-raff getting any ideas.

What lies did he tell about the stock? I’ve read some of his DD and he was right. He accurately described the market and what the big players were doing in the market.


I still fail to see how what he did was either illegal or unethical. Is it because he used the poors to do it, and none of the uber rich liked that?

It’s not defeatist, it’s realistic. Defeatist would be saying no one can do anything about it. I think we are still at the point where complete climate destruction could be avoided or at least slowed so that a better solution could be developed with research and new technologies. I just think this idea that me

I’m sorry, come back to me with this whole “take action/your small part counts” bit once the companies that are causing 99.9% of our climate issues change their practices. It’s not just that my actions make a small difference, it’s that they make no difference whatsoever after accounting for the damage done by

“Sounding suspicious as hell”, “not trusting banks”, and “raising red flags for random internet commentators” is not, as far as I’m aware, any legal test for the seizure of assets.  

And yet Deep Silver/Volition made another Saints Row. The series can adapt, that’s not what’s holding them back. What’s actually stopping them is the massive cash cow in GTA Online.

Given enough time, they will... The wealthy can’t help themselves. It’s always just taking a little bit more from the poor. Squeeze ‘em just a little harder until one day something snaps on a social level. The proverbial straw breaking the camels back in action.

You really think 2013 was that much different than now in terms of what would be ok?

Lol at the payment over 9 years. That means they can pay it off with the interest of the 11 billion........a mockery.

It’s like these pople have never heard of Marie Antoinette. Or the Alexanders.