What’s troubling is that instead of defending himself he focus on finding the leak, a strategy that a person will take if there is something wrong (see Nixon). If Trump is innocent he just have to let the ethic office make an investigation and he then will be cleared of any wrongdoing.
The first picture with regular light = Cosplay of a early Tarantino character.
English is my second language, i speak it with an accent and im not Christian... Nazi are a treat to me.
If you seriously tell me face to face that you will kill me, my family or my friends, i swear that a punch to the face is the least of your worry...
Ho no! The police putting poster of a criminal fugitive will make him 10X more well know!
You bet! Shovel knight did so much right! Best platformer ever. ( I am a fan of castlevania and megaman, I grew up in the 80' and this game have it all)