
In a game like Destiny, this is acceptable. The rarity and randomness is an element of the game design - it might be frustrating, but it’s frustrating (and eventually rewarding) in the same way, for everyone.

You ever play devil’s advocate on the right-leaning sites? If so, how does that work out?

For starters, imagining that the progressive movement is somehow a non-violent movement shows a grotesque misunderstanding of what propels that political group. Just because they can achieve their goals without resorting to violence in now way indicates that they’re reluctant to use violence to solve their problems.

That’s interesting how you say opponents as if this is a Dem/Rep thing. It’s not. It’s a matter of liberty. Do you think what Richard Spencer has to say is what he believes is good for America? This isn’t a matter of pro-choice/pro-life, it’s a matter of one person preaching ethnic cleansing. Violence shouldn’t be

Who’s saying we’re ok with it? We’re saying that Nazis aren’t immune form the consequences of what they say. That doesn’t mean we’re advocating violence. For example, if you called a person an asshole and he decks you in the face, your free speech wasn’t violated, you just accepted the amino consequence of calling him

It’s simple. What LeGuin does is supposed to make you think. What Spicer does is supposed to make you not think.

Hrrrrrmmm.. Better idea:

I have never been to a protest before. I’ve written things for protests, I’ve talked about going, but I’ve never actually gone. My wife recently went to the Women’s March. I chose not to go to that also...because I’m a coward, because I was afraid of what might happen, and because I was still clinging to some vague

Science experiment under the Trump regime:

Land of Mine
A Man Called Ove
The Salesman
Toni Erdmann

No, those black people never started a world war or engaged in actual genocide.

Right, except replace Hillary’s face with the heads of every intelligence agency in the country, plus Germany’s and the UK’s as well, and several international corporate cybersecurity firms. Other than that — perfect.

Have you ever considered *not* playing advocate for literal devils?

Let’s make this very clear. The belief that, say, transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to use the bathrooms of their choice is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that women shouldn’t have the right to control their own bodies is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that blacks and Jews should

As little as 4 years ago I made the comment that Nazis would ALWAYS be OK to kill in video games, like robots. As I look around the Internet last night and today I’m disappointed and uncomfortable by the amount of Nazi sympathizers.

I can’t believe that even in Europe, where I live, where many of my family died in camps, even there, this kind of people are raising their heads again.

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

Before the trolls get here and say “take this back to gawker... oh wait” I just want to say, thanks. The fact that Kotaku, as much as this is a meme post, tries to incorporate real-world news into gaming culture is amazing because how important it is. Whenever I see a post regarding American politics on Kotaku, I’m

Hot Topic Avengers was fun!

Have you even read a newspaper? White Christian males commit far more acts of domestic terrorism than any Muslims here.