
You must be new to the internet or purposefully ignorant if you’ve never seen Obama depicted as the devil, Hitler, Chairman Mao, etc. My responses to those haven’t been “you’re racist”, they’ve been, “you’re incorrect in your characterization”. As for the *actual* racist stuff I’ve seen Obama depicted as (I’ve seen

I’m a black feminist who adores Firefly. I cried when it was cancelled, saw Serenity three times in the theater, cried when Book and Wash died, own every goddamn thing that was ever released on DVD (and then Blu-Ray), have purchased every issue of every comic that’s been released, and own a number of Teefury mashup

Dude’s been trolling climate posts for a while now. Doubt he’ll start reading any time soon.

Holy fuck. Honestly people like you are the worst. You’re just smart enough to argue over semantics like what should be considered a “threat” but too ignorant to read any of the information out there in the world that explains exactly what we are in for with Global Warming.

And that’s an accurate statement.

Well that’s an odd way to make the point - and an odd point to gravitate towards. So we should discount efforts to reduce human impact because only 17% think it’s certain death for humanity?

99.9%? Not quite 100% you say?

i wish i could chop up shitty comments like this one and inject them straight into my veins.

If you actually read the piece, you would notice the image of the anomolous high pressure system. The reason for the polar vortex is in that image.

But wait. According to my calculations, the extent of ice is increasing. I mean, look at this chart! From 1985 to 1996, the extent of sea ice grew. And again from 1990 to 2002.

Buttercup works for me.

Its funny how you seem to be less able to take criticism than the people you accuse of not being able to take criticism.

Without using just straight-up slurs, what else do you want? Really just reaching to be offended here aren’t you...

If we’re going to get righty trolls, can we at LEAST get, like, ONE that isn’t a basic, entry-level fucktard?

This ‘buttercup’ thing, is it like in the official republican commenter style guide? Because it seems like every Trump supporter uses that. Are you not allowed any original thoughts?

1. Misspelled “lose”

Except for Toronto. Fuck Toronto.

I... I don’t know how to FEEL...

I love it unironically. It’s a legitimately great piece of satire.

Careful with that perspective, I got viciously attacked the last time I suggested that people exist outside of the US and they deserve fair access to essential art and culture.