
Tejada received a thrown ball, he was not fielding a batted ball.

Wrong reference here. This ONLY pertains to a fielder playing BATTED ball. Tejada was not fielding a batted ball, but a thrown ball.

Tejada was not “fielding a batted ball.” Fuck Utley, but you’ve cited the wrong rule.

I’m 100% open to the possibility that I’m overthinking this, but it’s always been my understanding that a defender receiving a throw at a base is not fielding a batted ball.

Read it again: “in the act of fielding a batted ball”...completely different scenario

The critical piece is that this wasn’t interference with the fielding of a batted ball.

Damn, Derek Fisher STILL won’t give up on the triangle.

Funny you ask. As someone who has officiated, and often looks at the game thru an officials eyes, the instant I saw him bat the ball, my first reaction was to say, “oh boy, this can be an issue”. As someone who has officiated, I know the rule, and I know it’s a rule that is not often enforced, because it’s something

Getting killed or maimed, while slightly more common in football, is also spectacularly rare in the sport.

I am definitely not the only person that immediately googled Jennifer Carpenter... Deb from Dexter. Spot on.

you wouldn’t watch that?

She does plan on filing counter-charges against Amy Rodriguez for beating her on the near post last night.

Someday, somehow, Roger Goodell will find a way to suspend her.

Jennifer Carpenter should be optioning any and all scripts about Hope Solo’s life story immediately.

Lets see here...

Yes, because expected point value exists.

Outfielders don’t throw as much as pitchers, but they throw a ton of long toss to improve accuracy and arm strength. They also air it out a lot in bp and other drills. The dick waging in the outfield as to who has the strongest, most accurate arm is a daily thing.

Wait, you meant to “put it into context” by comparing a crow-hop throw from an outfielder to a pitcher’s legal delivery from the rubber? That’s what you define as context?

Outfielders have such strong arms exactly because they do practice that all of the time...”long toss.”