
Or- it’s a NY blog writing about a NY team, and histrionics is your default setting.

Not saying it was high and inside, but that pitch would’ve ended Mr. Mets career.

How do four editors leaving put the jobs of dozens in danger? That does not follow. Who is the source and what’s their ax to grind? Editors are not exactly an endangered species. Four editors leave and the site has to close? Four editors leave and its a hard couple weeks to replace them. That’s it. The site closed bc

Nice to see Deadspin adopting the same, lazy media narratives that everyone else uses.

Thank you for the opportunity to re-post the best photo ever:

How exactly does he earn respect by beating a woman, throwing a temper tantrum, getting in a physical altercation with coaching staff, or any of the other stupid shit he’s done? But of course, Jerry Jones only looked at defensive stats when making the determination that Hardy’s a “real leader.”

This guy is a disgrace, and should be cut so the Bills can pick him up.

Anne Frankly, it’s in poor taste.

It takes a lot of concentration.

I do nazi the joke here.

Good thing he’s got a thousand years to set things Reich.

Always a possibility. But that generally isn’t how they work. You don’t just drink a magic elixir (or get it shot in your ass, as it were) and suddenly you hit nothing but 400ft bombs. Unless you count PCP as a PED, in which case you think his fielding and general demeanor would take more of a hit.

The only other Murphy to get all the way to home base that often folds out of sight the next morning.

You typed a 4 where you meant to type a 1 there.

I absolutely love these stories behind the photos articles. Please keep them coming.

I consistently see pitchers staring down and mouthing off to batters.


If you don’t want to be shown up do your job, get the out. Bautista won this battle so he can celebrate however he sees fit.