I actually really like the Momoa version of Aquaman. The character was always kind of lame, but only because they never really evoked the real and terrifying power of the ocean. Nothing made me feel smaller or more insignificant than being on a warship in the middle of a storm with waves bigger than us with nothing…
But the movie version seems to forget that he should be vulnerable to magic. There’s no way he should’ve been able to resist the Lasso of Hestia when WW used it on him at the memorial. That scene drives me nuts as a result.
I would actually be a bit surprised if the whole point of this $70 mil self advertising event was actually WB/DC long winded attempt to put themselves in a positive light after all the Joss Whedon allegations.
“See, it wasn’t our fault. We tried to do good for a director that was mourning, and an actor who was treated …
“Fisher’s best move is likely to “start over,” maybe get on some Michael B Jordan productions or a Spike Lee joint, and work his way back up.”
Momoa did 5 seasons as a primary cast member on Stargate Atlantis. If he was broke after that, it’s poor investments or too lavish a lifestyle on the actor’s part, nothing else.
Did you see the same copy of 1984 as me? Gadot’s career is not in a better place than it was before her involvement in this franchise, if anything this highlighted what a lousy actor she really is.
This right here. From what I can gather the Synder Cut is better than Whedon in that it has an actual story and POC characters not caricatures. With that said its a Zach Snyder movie - the literal king of greyscale tinted upskirt films. His edit moved the film from D- to C+.
honestly though, I dont think being a star in this franchise would have helped his career with either cut.
Is it still an example of Snyder’s general over the top edgieness (in his movies) and lack of understanding of various DC characters?
honestly though, I dont think being a star in this franchise would have helped his career with either cut.
“To be fair, I had no idea what it meant for 20+ years.”
Why do you need to be fair? And why in the world would you think your ignorance let’s somebody else off? It it about you?
As you said, you were lucky you said it in a safe space and not some place you got your nose broken. (I’m not the tough guy, but my dad could…
Totally agree. I've given and taken my fair share of trash talk but its never gone the racist route, its not that serious....
Honestly, there’s no way this can be explained away as just being stream-of-consciousness from someone who’s not legitimately antisemitic. I’m Jewish, and in 33 years I’ve never heard someone use the word (let alone call me it) except in movies or to specifically list it as a racial slur. And it’s not like it’s out…
Wow, and that wasn’t even a stream of consciousness off-the-cuff remark, he stopped and thought about it for a second before he said it.
Captain Benjamin Sisko is THE great black dad and though he is primarily featured in retro gaming it still counts. Maybe not the spirit of the article, but any chance I get to bring up Sisko I will.
Oh, Ash. You said something positive about Final Fantasy 13, do you have any idea the floodgates you just opened?