
My favorite part was when he was with the rest of the crew being talked to by Niobe and there was no interaction between them. Yes, it’s a copy of Morpheus based on Neo’s memories of him, but the least they could have done is have some kind of scene between them showing the difference between the two Morpheus’. But

Sorry but it was bad. I wasn’t expecting anything groundbreaking but at least a decent story with some good fight sequences. They did not deliver with the fight scenes (they were so so bad) and the story just went nowhere. It’s not horrible but for a franchise that has had a good solid reputation for 20+ years this

I actually thought they were the least interesting part of the movie. The war between different Machines and Zion in the middle of it seemed a lot cooler, especially if it had followed up from the MMO’s interesting storyline. The Matrix being rebuilt and all the new factions within it. Exiles being purged, etc etc.

The action in this one was so bad. Incomprehensible at times and not very exciting. Sometimes it looked like the actors were waiting to hit their cue on time. There’s was no real pop and depth to what was going on in the action scenes. They used someone else for the fight choreography this time and you can tell. It

Keanu Reeves is part Native Hawaiian and Chinese. He’s definitely not white and he doesn’t consider himself white either. It’s not whitewashing at all.

Now no one can say Moffat’s plots were overly complicated when Chibnall outdid him here by making this mess of an episode with so many plotholes and loose threads hanging in the end. I get COVID made production rush and shorten this series but if that’s the case they really could’ve done with taking out several

This would actually be Matrix 9.0. :) There Matrix in the original trilogy was the eight version (seven were made before) so this should be the ninth.

I love Michelle Gomez so this makes me curious about the show again. I watched around 4 or 5 episodes of the first season but could not get into it.

Could be Agatha All Along.

True, but I don’t mind the change. We’ve already seen so many different version of Spider-Man on the big screen at this point it’s a way to set him apart while also having cool costumes to sell toys and merchandise with all the different costumes.

It’s literally the same scene: The Doctor and their new companion(s) entering the new TARDIS console for the first time. One shows the whole set while showing us the characters’ relationship with each other through interaction of their environment. You also get interesting camera angles like when The Doctor and Amy

Now playing

Oh man, the editing/pacing has been so bad and so was the directing. The static scenes in the TARDIS where no one moves and are just standing there talking with the camera focused squarely on their face... it’s tragic. Compare this TARIS scene with Eleven and Amy and then Thirteen with the three.

It really is tragic how much Chibnall ruined a golden opportunity.

I highly doubt that. Even Moffat and RDJ had critics but no one could say those two weren’t able to work a script. No one will ever say Chibnall was one of the best writers. I mean his pre-showrunner episodes were mediocre at best.

You really should listen to the Big Finish audio dramas. They have a ton of Master stories and ranges with the original actors which are so fun. There’s the War Master Range, Missy range, and even a range with Roberts’ movie Master. If you loved Jacobi you should definitely check out the audios with him in it.

I have to push back on this. Criticism of Jodie is not misogyny. Imo she was woefully miscast for the role. It became really apparent next to Jo Martin, who brought a great performance as the Doctor within a few minutes. And I do think it’s fair to pass part of the blame on the lead actor. They’re the star after all

Story arcs absolutely work if done well, but it needs to be very well thought out. Series 5 is a testament to that.

Eh. Seems I’m one of the few who feel she was miscast for the role. Even with a much better writer she would not have been able to pull off the role. A different actor would’ve been better suited for the first female Doctor.

They really do need fresh blood. Chibnall is woefully unfit for this show. After this Broadchurch series 1 feels like a fluke because 2 and 3 were just not good.

Oh, I have a feeling if this season ends up another disappointment, which is very likely, Chibnall is going to asked to leave after the two specials.