
I have an Apple Watch and while it is useful for a few things I’m wondering if I’m missing some wiz bang app that will really unlock it. I like its heart rate monitor, showing text and Teams messages, activity tracker, workout buddy, and most importantly for finding my iPhone. Being an actual watch is also a nice

And they only "bring back Morpheus" to help find Neo, but he doesn't really help there either.

That I definitely agree with. I do think they introduced some great ideas with the character that they failed to pay off. He could have been a great exploration of humanity and purpose.

I would love to have seen that explored more. It was my favorite part of Blade Runner 2049 too - showing how AI can interact with the real world (beyond the standard trope of perfectly lifelike artificial body).

If the whole movie had been like the first act, and was more of a Charlie Kaufman-esque drama instead of an action movie, I think I would’ve been okay with the bad action. Because you can legitimately say that’s not the point. But once the movie is in the second act, there isn’t a lack of action sequences. So I think

Watched it last night, it was fine. Too many fight scenes, IMHO. And they spent too much time with Neo finding his powers again. Which I guess was fine given the ending.

Where I think they really dropped the ball was on exploring the possibilities / interchange between the synthetics, AI, and human. How they can move

I loved the first act but once Neo got out of the Matrix again I liked it less and less. I really disliked how much Neo used his Force powers to stop bullets. I know it was done in the first film but it was just way too much in this one.

People who talk bad about M4 are asking for too much. This isn’t Citizen Kane.

That would’ve been interesting if they had followed through with that idea. But as the movie progresses, Morpheus moves further and further into the background. He has no character arc to resolve. 

Yes, it was an interesting idea in that moment. Then the rest of the movie happened.

Oh you sweet summer child.

I didn’t hate but I did not love it but all I kept asking was, “why did they make this?” And I know, I know $$$ and sequels galore but it just didn’t push anything truly. My opinion so die hard stans back off.

Personally it got a 6/10 from me. Not mind-blowing, not utterly terrible, but still fun enough to keep you entertained with all that beautiful CGI. I kind of see this as a new trend, however, where people align wanting a movie to have a solid story as a bad thing, which personally makes no sense to me. The issue is

They shoulda made the Oracle the leader of IO instead of Niobe. Would have been a much more interesting choice.

I think they laid it right out: Make a sequel or we’ll take it away from you and make a sequel ourselves.

Except the action was terrible. You would think it would at least be on par with the original film. What else is there? The plot was very hard to follow at times, acting was so-so. 

It’s worth noting that Lana Wachowski herself gave a flat “No” at the premiere when asked if there would be a sequel.

Biggest question why make this ,if its going to be crap ?

I liked the first part of the movie that acted as a commentary on the movie/games/media industry, but felt pretty let down by some parts. The cinematography and fight scenes just lacked all the spirit and energy of the originals. They were just flat, looked like any other mid-budget sci-fi action movie from the last

I still feel like Morpheus was wasted in the new movie.