
The drawer bumpers are also great for the back of furniture to keep pieces from scratching the walls. We’ve used them for years.

The drawer bumpers are also great for the back of furniture to keep pieces from scratching the walls. We’ve used

Okay but why not just Latins. The reason people don’t like Latinx is that in both spanish and english, there’s no reason to end a vowel in an X. It’s grammatically incorrect regardless of how you look at it and feels more like a late 90s talk show than a real word.

Agreed, it’s totally a white people term lol it's so stupid

You are absolutely correct. i live in a Border town whose population consists of at least 95% Hispanics and no one refers to themselves as Latinx . . we’re all Latinos. Yes, Spanish is an engendered language, but a word doesn’t necessarily exclude a group of people just because of its spelling . This is just some term

As a latino myself i find the term stupid. It sounds gross in spanish. it doesn’t adjust to spanish. It’s straight down bad.

Hola! Oye nada mas por curiosidad, ¿de dónde eres? ¿Vives en Latino América? Y si no, ¿Hace cuanto que no vives por acá? Que nunca he oido a alguien usar el término mas que en E.U.A. y nunca en America Latina, por lo que mi hipótesis actual es que es un término proviene de paises de habla inglesa y no de America

As a Latino, I can corroborate that I have never heard it used in Mexico

The RAE, Real Academia Española, which is the authority on the Spanish language, does not recognize the word “Latinx”. The word “Latinos” is used as a collective for either a group of Latin American men or a group containing men and women. It can also have a feminine form in “La comunidad latinoamericana”, meaning

It is unfortunate for you to say “dozens of people I know” because now all I can think of is..

Most latinos that identify with the new form are latin american or puerto rican it seems (which makes no distinction from latin american as your culture has changed to incorporate american ideology).

I get it. I get why it exists. But its not how I’ll identify. I will, however, respect those that want to be referred to by the term, but I’m not keen on it being forced as a term to represent all Latinos. [shrugs]. It’s a wild world, and we should all play nice with each other, while making an attempt to understand

I grew up in Florida. My family is from South Florida. I spend quite a bit of time in Miami. My girlfriend is from Miami. She is also Cuban. I’ve never heard it used once....ever. Besides on gizmodo group sites and like..Vox/Polygon. I understand everyone has different experiences...but this sure seems like something

I say it’s box-checking since they already had a perfectly gender-neutral term:

It changes over hundreds of years and by necessity, not at the whims of people that speak another language and their perception of poltical correctness(english in this case)

Spanish is a gendered language, you cant just change it just because it works in english.

The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.

Its strange, as a Latina woman myself, I’ve never heard ANYONE in my family use the term Latinx. Is this honestly a big concern or just box-checking?

Thank you. I wish I knew this when I was in the middle of it. I need to restart my game because it’s been too long but I’ll keep this in mind.

yeah if you see three rains like that on the weather forecast it’s probably because you are in an area where it’s scripted to rain. Sorry for your lost time!

Such a beautiful, wonderful game. But seriously, fuck the rain. Nothing fun about it, just absurdly annoying and way too frequent.