
I agree the Inhumans plot might be the culprit when it comes to AoS specifically. One of it’s main character is Inhuman, it had an Inhuman plot and the subsequent botching of the Inhumans show/movie meant that there was no place within canon for the show anymore. I really love the concepts of Inhumans (terrigenesis is

According to Feige, yes AofS is not canon. Going forward only Marvel Studios shows are canon and everything created under the now defunct Marvel Television is not.

My headcanon is that in the aftermath of the battle various governments investigating the invasion probably had the Avengers and Wakanda tell them what happened during the battle, etc. Almost sure something that huge would not become a secret, including how Vision was killed. Tony Stark and the Wakandans could’ve

Slightly disagree. Inhumans worked really well in Agents of Shield. They’re a really fun concept and I think they could’ve worked really well within the MCU. 

I think the difference is that Wanda was forced out of the Hex which changed her somewhat and then entered a second time by force. Everyone else was added to the Hex by Wanda.

I feel Feige would generally try to steer as clear as possible from the former Marvel shows since this is a separate continuity. Then again I thought they would steer clear of using anything related to Fox’s X-Men movies and they flat out just added Evan Peters as a version of Pietro to the show so anything is

Would they use the Darkhold since it was used for Agents of Shield?

My only problem with the acting is that the real-life/outside hex scenes feel a bit stiff? It was really apparent this last episode when the show jumped back to SWORD and we had that scene where Monica argued with her boss. The acting felt off. 

It’s insane how locked to the Skywalker name the SW franchise is. In a galaxy with hundreds of planets, trillions of peoples, and hundreds of races and cultures it’s so stubborn in making everyone connect to each other. It makes the SW universe feel so small.

Disagreed on this. While Discovery doesn’t have the same amount of time as older series to explore its characters it’s still done well with its characterizations. 

I think it might’ve been Billy who summoned him without Wanda’s knowledge. He saw how much Wanda missed him but didn’t know what he looked like so he snatched a Pietro from another universe (all doing so subconsciously).

Which is a shame because a DCCU could work and be great but it all started on the wrong foot with giving Snyder the keys to the kingdom. He was the wrong person from the very start to take on this project.

I thought Agnes might’ve been a bad guy but the fact that she gets gorked out at Ellis Avenue like almost everybody else leads me to believe otherwise

Interestingly Peacock really does feel like the Sears of the streaming services. The UI colors for its apps make it look outdated and add all the mostly older movies and tv shows it has make it feel like old and weird. I like that they have older shows and movies to offer but it’s definitely not enough to get me to

The concept looks really fun an interesting and having Kingston write it is kind a twist on its own. Love this.

A lot of the shows he’s left has been due to creative differences. With Hannibal he had complete control and only had to be creatively reigned in for certain parts (gore, etc). You can tell that show is 100% Bryan Fuller without restraints and all the better for it. The show is proof that if you don’t constrain Fuller

Her existence makes them mad after she said she was the better superhero. They’re that childish. 

If rumors are true, Disney was ready to announce her starring in the Mandalorian spin-off but that was nixed in November lol. She really lost a starring role in her own Disney show by choosing to be a bigot. 

Are people dumb that they don’t realize this glue isn’t just like some dome that’s covering her head? It’s mixed in with her hair and probably glued down to her scalp. You wouldn’t get hair growth with that clogging up your pores. Plus there’s no place for the hair to grow, her hair was styled pretty close to her

I really don’t think that’s possible given the product. After a month and with how she said she repeatedly put water on it (which makes it stronger!) the glue has probably merged with the skin, hair, and it’s probably gotten into her pores too.