
And they STILL don’t feel like MEN unless they can find some women who trust them to denigrate? Huh.

People’s feelings of entitlement to women’s bodies and access to them are frankly terrifying.

I agree with you completely. Sanders whipped up all the outrage and attack lines later used by Trump and then said “Who, me?” It was selfish, and myopic. Wall Street isn’t to blame for every single ill in this country, and there were plenty of people who Saint Bernie didn’t speak for.

So sad. 2 steps forward, 100 back. Even though it is only a few, one has to ask “How can they protect and defend our country if they won’t defend and protect each other?”

Mr. Grimm’s sex is female. His gender identity and gender presentation are male. Sex ≠ gender.

“So basically any large group of men just turn feral and can’t be trusted? It might seem hyperbolic but I am truly wondering. Why exactly should I trust men?”

He’s a journalist and he wrote and article about this so he let his name to be known. He probably didn’t realise how bad it will get (many people, especially men, don’t realise how viscous men like those get on the internet when you interfere with their misogyny and/or porn) but hopefully he and his family will get

Funnily enough, when I don’t immediately trust a friend or romantic partner, I’m considered paranoid. But yet, there’s 30,000 men on a secret Facebook page trading naked pics of women....

Well, what other solution is there? For the men to actually control themselves and not be rapists? When there are women around? Let’s be reasonable.

How was there a secret Facebook site of nude Marine women, yet at the mere thought of a baby nursing, Facebook goes all “can’t see that! Nekkid!!”


But hey, rape culture doesn’t exist. Nothing to see here, people! Everything’s fine, we don’t need women’s rights! Oppression? What oppression?

There are many who see this as an embarassment to the Corps and will work to bring this shit down.

Germaine Greer (who got a lot wrong, but also got a lot right) once said, “Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”

Yeah, especially the women whose photos were taken by stalkers. What were they thinking? You are female, and you go out in public...

So basically any large group of men just turn feral and can’t be trusted? It might seem hyperbolic but I am truly wondering. Why exactly should I trust men?

Some girls can do the job better. That’s a threat certain men can’t handle and use tactics like these to gain social heiarchy.

While I don’t at all disagree - and 100% agree this man is a hero - I want to also make sure we focus on those women serving our country who put their bodies on the line to defend us all, and yet find those same bodies sexually violated by their peers for cheap thrills. Those women, and all women, deserve better.

And your instincts were right, he and his family are being threatened.

I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out