
This is why you never tell your cursed monkey paw that when you die you want it to be buried in a pile of beautiful naked women.

I read some other articles. It is possible that he had a heart attack, and then the magazines fell on him, thus the porn was not necessarily the cause of death.

There very well may be a reason he had no one close to him...six tons of porn is a pretty big indicator that he was a fucking pervert.

How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.

In addition to his fucked up ruling in the Rehtaeh Parsons case, this judge also kicked a woman out of his court for breastfeeding and sentenced a man who molested his FIFTEEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER to three years less a day of house arrest. Fucking house arrest. He’s a real peach.

So, I don’t normally like to make assumptions but we can all agree that this judge has almost certainly raped at least one woman in his life, right?

This feels like a morality attack on women. As if, because this woman was out drinking, she clearly wanted to have sex. You know how those party girls can be...

Why oh why was the taxi driver holding on to the urine soaked underwear and tights? Some kind of gift or tip? No, she was unconscious and he pulled them off.

Men hate women. It’s no more complicated than that. It is a society where rape might as well night even be a crime because there are 50,000 things that can go wrong and the rapist goes free and 50,000 things have to be perfect to even see the inside of a court room. You need a perfect victim, white, .00 BAC, in a

Yeah the pissing oneself thing is the kicker. The judge clearly acknowledged that the guy “had sex” with the victim after that point. Even if she was still conscious, pissing oneself seems like overwhelming evidence that she was beyond the capacity to consent.

People are not allowed to drive while intoxicated. Tattoo parlors are legally prohibited from tattooing intoxicated people.

But only alone. Because if someone else is there, then they can do whatever they want because clearly you consented.

This. The woman clearly was in no shape to give lucid consent even before she passed out. Even if she was sitting in the backseat mumbling “fuckme fuckme fuckme” in a singsong fashion, she wasn’t capable of giving consent and only a predatory animal would claim she did.

It shows the twisted side of Canada. If a drunk driver in Canada kills a family, they get maybe 2 years in prison. Doesn’t matter how many people they kill, it’s almost always 2 years total. A drunk driver recently was let lose to a “health spa prison” last week after spending 1 entire month in prison after she killed

Consent ends.

Consent can be revoked at any time. If someone says “Yes! Fuck me now!” then goes “Wait, that’s not good” mid thrust, it’s still rape to keep going. At any point a person becomes unconscious, for any reason, consent should be assumed to be revoked as it becomes impossible to determine whether they wish

Even if it was consensual in the beginning, as soon as your partner passes out you stop whatever you’re doing.

So someone who is drunk enough to lose bladder control and consciousness is not drunk enough to be off-limits? One has to wonder at what point Judge Lenehan WOULD consider them off-limits. Coma? Death? Disgusting.

At .2, you cannot give consent. If you’ve lost consciousness and the ability to control your bladder, you are not able to consent. Why is this even a thing? That judge needs their robe revoked!

So the moral of the story is if you are female and drunk don’t take a cab home because right before you pass out and piss your pants you surely must have given consent to have sex with that unknown cab driver?...This Canadian is speechless (and disgusted)

So what if he’d been hitting her in the face when the cops found him? Would the judge be like, “Maybe she consented to a boxing match before she passed out. Clearly a drunk can consent.”