
I feel so out of touch with life not knowing special charcoal underwear existed.

Fair enough, but I’m a little put off by the headlines that are suggesting this is something we had in the census and we no longer will. It’s something that was never tracked, so it isn’t something that existed and now will not.

I don’t think he has any particular hatred for the LGBTQ community, at least not any higher than his hatred for all other non rich white male groups.

Police and courts are generally obligated to refer to individuals by their legal names - my suspicion is that Clark likely has not done the name change process, so that is why that is done. I dont think Id call that deadnaming as much as Id call it complying with the law.

Yeh, it just shows you how little women are really valued in society.

I live in ny. Last week my best friend who is El Salvadoran and Native American but adopted and raised by white parents, was on the subway. A teenager kept forcefully bumping her (the train wasn’t packed so he had plenty of room) spilling her coffee. She politely pointed out that he was bumping into her. He kept doing

“Maria Munoz, who saw the attack, said he was shirtless and yelling at people on the street before he flew into a rage.”

As a woman who uses restrooms, I can say that I would be chuffed would that person and I to end up using the same restroom.

I expect no one was thinking “That guy looks like he’s going to get a cane and come back.” It seems to have caught the victims by surprise.

The “logic” (***and I’m NOT saying I agree with it***) is more along the lines of...

Devil’s Advocate: Mr. Steiner lies and says he is trans, and attempts to enter the womens bathroom. When the public place (let’s say it’s a Denny’s) attempts to stop Steiner from using the women’s restroom, could they be opening themselves up to a discrimination lawsuit?

We’ve had some attempts at sexual assault on our campus and the surrounding neighborhood. So what was the campus police’s solution? To warn women about the dangers of going out alone. Reminding them to walk with a friend, or walk with purpose, to have a weapon of some kind handy, and to call for a safe walk (where the

I want to be fair and respectful, and I want everyone to live their lives in peace. Then I look at a competitive situation like Fallon Fox, and as someone who trains in a combat sport with both men and women, I back away from agreeing with you. Why? Because genetics play a huge role, and no I wouldn’t want to fight

Yeah and because you feel it it must be true.

“Jewish women aren’t women”

Well, laws aside, I’m looking more at this line:

I will treat a person i respect however they want to be treated, period. Like a man, like a woman it doesn’t matter its only important i treat them with their earned individual respect. But factually, a Trans Woman IS a Trans Woman and not a Woman. That’s why the sentence needs to be preceded with the description of

On the contrary, counseling and time are the most successful. Reassignment is more of a last resort.

Attempts to redefine reality affect us all.

You’re absolutely right. It’s not a debate. A debate is a discussion between two sides which each have facts. The pro-trans position is entirely emotional and based on the childish and ludicrous notion that gender is a “social construct” and is little more than a fashion choice. Gender is biological and exists purely