You have no idea how much you sound like a right-wing Christian religious nut right now. Not the substance but the style and rhetoric. But, you do you.
You have no idea how much you sound like a right-wing Christian religious nut right now. Not the substance but the style and rhetoric. But, you do you.
Attacker was male, victims were males. Male on male violence and yes, this is why most women don’t want to have men/M2Ts bringing their issues with themselves and with other males into women’s spaces. Why do the all the screwed up men in the world need to be invited into our spaces?
If you can’t make a case for why transgenderism should be taken seriously, then you have to accept that it will be regarded as a quasi-religious belief system which nobody else is required to buy into.
And detransitioners are telling their stories and will soon be too numerous to ignore. A “renowned” surgeon is being sued in San Francisco for malpractice. As more male criminals take advantage of pro-trans laws, there will be more women and girls hurt and there could be backlash from that. Kids being but on Lupron…
Good luck with taking that explanation into court to argue sex vs. gender identity.
Fair point, and that is WHY society keeps a very few spaces separated by sex for the safety and privacy of all. NAMALT but enough of them are so men/M2Ts need to stay out of women’s spaces. Glad we agree! :)
Trans activists need to stop using intersex people as human shields for transgender ideology. Intersex conditions are real and fairly rare and have nothing to do with a regular old XY male who says he “feels” like a woman and therefore is one. Once a person is XX or XY or any intersex combination, that does not change…
And this last reply is why trans ideology is looked at as being, at best, a quasi-religious belief system. Trying to appropriate the legitimate and horrible struggles of POC to try and claim some legitimacy for your own cause is sad and shameful. Trying to cast people who are doing what human beings are best at —-…
Yes, but “trans women” are men and some of them are rapists so....
You know, that is exactly the reasoning opponents of gun control make when further regulations of firearms are proposed. Heck, why have laws at all? There are always people who will break laws so what good do they do?
Bell has been rung, though, no unringing it. People have been exposed to this story and anybody who had doubts about the wisdom of any law that allows all men into women’s facilities has been reminded that those doubts are valid.
Why do you think mothers bring little boys into the women’s restrooms all the time and no other women are bothered by that?
Suggests is kind of weak sauce for proving something as true in studies. When trans people themselves will accept the result of a brain scan as being proof of their status, even it a scan comes up “not trans” then people may be more willing to accept that.
That is an authoritarian demand and you don’t have the power to enforce it. Simply bellowing at people that “Trans women are trans women because they *are*” just makes you look like some religious nut screaming everything the bible says is true because it says so in the bible.
The detransitioners don’t say that and soon they will be too numerous to ignore.
How would that work? Intersex and transgender are two different things.
These types of men exist, in large enough numbers for crap like this male Marines harassment to happen and be dismissed as “boys will be boys” by many. Yet when women say that we don’t want policies put in place that allow any man to have access to women’s spaces, we get called bigots and are accused of transphobia. …
Yet women are told constantly to be alert 24/7 lest we “get ourselves raped” by being careless and men like these are running loose in the world
Obama administration made a threat to take away federal school funding for school that did not take these “guidelines” and treat them like real laws. They later walked that back a bit the threat of federal power was still there.