
Nothing is known about the children McCorvey gave up for adoption.

Men with that sort of control over their emotions are why women want abortions. We don’t want to expose our babies to angry, abusive men.

If you have a trans-female friend, ask her how men talk about women when they think no women can hear them. The reality of the situation will totally demoralize you.

WTF was that shit? He looked at her with a face that said “How dare you” How dare you go 10 seconds past your allotted time. (because you messed up your sentence a couple of times) Get back in the kitchen and don’t you dare speak up again until the men directly ask you something, wtf America, are you guys trying to

Thanks for posting that astute observation by Ms. Greer. She was spot on when she said those words.

I don’t have a problem being called a TERF and this does an excellent job in explaining why feminists like me feel this way:

He also gave her the same look most dudes get when they’re about to punch someone in the face.

I spend a lot of time in the Texas lege and I can tell you that Schwertner has let plenty of men and/or conservatives go over their allotted time when testifying.

Genuine question, do you believe that it is only old white men who want to control women?

Err misogyny has existed for millennia before white supremacy became a thing. It also exists in virtually all parts of the world, the majority of which are not white.

This is such disingenuous bullshit.

Omg the look he was giving her sent me into a blind rage.

That entire video...all the men were anti-choice. And the bulk of the women were pro-choice. What the fuck does that tell you. Oh right, that anti-choice men are basically insane with rage that they can’t control women. If they could get pregnant, the question of whether or not to restrict their bodily autonomy would

That video has effectively ruined my day. Fuck everything right now.

Pictured: A man who believes he knows what’s best for your uterus more than you, and will break things if you suggest otherwise.

If he could smash HER with his gavel (read: phallic symbol to cover up for his inadequacies), he would.

Just further proof about how this is really just about hatred of women. Attempting to ban the D & E procedure is not just going after women seeking an abortion but also women who have miscarriages.

Thank you. I get having to set a time-limit in a hearing, but it was his look of contempt towards her at the end that really got me. I’ve seen it before, usually when a woman has the actual gall to be speaking about something with passion and insight, and it makes me want to puke every time. The fact that he

It seems as if she was given two minutes to speak. I wonder what kind of time was given to pro-birth (not pro-life) advocates, and what happened to them if they went over by ten seconds.

Why do people say Margaret Atwood writes science fiction?