
I think it’s more like nobody cares as long as he’s going to reduce regulation and taxes. That’s all the care about. The porno cheeseburger ads are a plus, but really he could be a serial killer and it wouldn’t much matter if they thought “business owners” would get five more bucks. Most run of the mill republicans I

Falsify court records? That’s a free vacation. In jail. Possibly prison.

Hard to imagine that the wife of a billionaire would get enticed by a ‘free trip to Chicago’, especially since ‘free’ means you have to go on TV and talk about being abused.

Hard to believe a guy who makes an ad like this would treat women as objects.

Paying her off and threatening her.

Puzder must be keeping Fierstein on a financial tether. Of some sort for her to now go around defending him.

You know what, just today, earlier, I had to have a convo with someone on here who just assumed I’m a guy with a penis because I’ve identified as male and noted that I was attracted to a famous women. I had to explain to that person that my own gender identity was none of their fucking business and that it was perfect

See white men can do everything better than everyone else, including being a cover girl.

What if the man doesn’t want the child and the woman does? Can he force her to have an abortion?

He should never be able to tell a woman what to do with her body, but I want to see riders put on these bills to make the so financially onerous for men that the legislatures back off. 100% of child care expenses, the mother’s medical bills, and lost wages for the mother would be a good eye opener.

If the man is going to prevent a woman from getting an abortion, he should have to pay 100% of the cost of raising the kid.

As a host, I’d say women have a right to eject anyone not wanted at the party. Also, being a host doesn’t preclude them from owning the body. Fucking “patriarchal” dip-shits

Also, and here’s the thing that always gets me with these kind of “let the man be part of the decision bills” - if they want to have equal say in whether or not a woman should get an abortion shouldn’t they be automatically legally responsible for at least 50% of taking care of that child once it’s born?

As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking

I know. This didn’t even enrage me. I just thought: well, they finally said it out loud.

And there it is.

There are a lot of homophobic trans people, as well. There are trans women who call “cis” lesbians bigoted for not wanting to have sex with someone who has a penis; they say that it’s wrong for someone to be exclusively attracted to people of the same sex. That’s the very definition of homophobia. It’s no different

Yep I remember in the early nineties my best friend when I was in middle school was “dating” a 22 year old in the Navy. At the time we thought it was the coolest thing ever. Of course the relationship got too real for a 14 year old and she wanted to break it off and he thought he was entitled to one more fuck so he

I know! Its not social media that caused this, Judge Dumbass. Its the fact that kids are educated now about sexual assault and told to report it. I know women in their 40s and 50s who were molested and kept it quiet because NO ONE TALKED ABOUT IT BACK THEN. Hell, I learned my great grandmother was raped at age 9

I was almost on a ride like this by accident. by accident I mean I was on a Caterpillar ride and instead of letting the bar lower on to my lap I sat sideways on the bench and almost flew off when it hit top speed.