
Agree with this. When I heard she was going to perform I said “ugh” then went about my day. It never occurred to me to send someone I don’t know a death threat because they are performing for someone I dislike.

um if by “seeing how many of these threats are actionable” you mean finding out whether people actually attempt to murder this woman... I do find it strange (or... objectionable) that your attitude would be one of “interest”...

Either you have a very limited definition of “modern history” or you have forgotten Eleanor Roosevelt.

It only takes one person to follow through, and how the fuck are you supposed to know which one?

It pisses me off on her behalf. Yeah, maybe she was “selling out” or making a poor decision. I wouldn’t blame her fans for feeling betrayed. But this kind of ugliness is what makes *them* deplorables. We need to be better than that.

For every 200 basement-dwellers there’s that one dude who actually goes to shoot up a pizza parlor. So it’s basically Schroedinger’s Stalker as far as that kind of threat is concerned. You have to act as if.

It might help in one way: the old perverts have managed to infiltrate public office. If we can manage to keep out most of the young pervs, it could significantly improve things. We may never completely irradicate rape, but maybe, just maybe, we can denormalize it.

They never went away.

“Von Keyserling playfully gave a lady who he knew for 30 years a pinch is what the accusation is,” Russell says. “And somehow, everybody’s wringing their hands and carrying on that this is a crime, and it just isn’t.”

This is yet another example of a man normalizing offensive behavior by implying his victim is overreacting.

“it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you.” Unfortunately for him, police said that video footage from a nearby surveillance camera is consistent with the woman’s charges.

YEAh, someone called on this for the first time at seventy has probably been doing this for a looong time.

In this new post PC world can women carry guns and shoot every man that touches them under the soon (just guessing here) to be presented national stand your ground law? Because that would be something.

He’ll be convicted of a misdemeanour, sentenced with time served because he’s 71 and and white, affluent and the judge will not want to “ruin his remaining years” by sending him to jail, “a place he is not equipped to endure”.

“Unfortunately for him, police said that video footage from a nearby surveillance camera is consistent with the woman’s charges.”

But we all know that men will think they are lying. “Why did they not speak up sooner”, they will cry.

More proof that Trumpkins aren’t only found in trailer parks. There are a lot of sleazy, greedy, educated white men who support this ass. 60% of white college educated men voted for the self-proclaimed pussy grabber. Are we really shocked to see some of his fans emulate their idol? They’re feeling so emboldened

“Following the incident, von Keyserling allegedly told the woman that “it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you.”

Given the fact that some of my students are starting to emulate this behavior, I’m going to say it’s going to be a long fucking four years. Jesus.