
Since when have women, white or not, “benefitted from their womanhood”? The whole point of feminism that women have historically been disadvantaged because of their womanhood. White privilege is a thing, to be sure, but don’t try to claim that “woman privilege” is a thing. That’s MRA league shit.

It seems like White women are getting more shit for this than White men, even though White men voted Trump in far greater numbers.

Dear Kara,

Yeah well apparently nobody but white women voted for Trump. We white woman are all supposed to shoulder the burden of guilt, even those of us who didn’t vote for him, because we’re women and we’re to blame. We’re always to blame.

women can never get a freakin break and most especially from other women.

I guess I’m an oddity, (actually sure that I am) because I give zero fucks about what anyone thinks about just about everything, including who I voted for. Or is it “whom?” Don’t GAF about that either!

Seems more like it was not just defending Galloway, but Boyden popping in to claim First Nation bona fides for Galloway as though he has the authority to do that and that that inoculates a man against sexual harassment charges.

There’s already been plenty of debate about the ideologies behind the Women’s March, spurred by white women who seem upset that they might be forced to think about race or class when they’re just trying to engage in a little soft-focus, low-level activism that makes them feel good before brunch.

Even a craft selling site called Etsy is selling “trans pride” buttons that call for women who don’t agree with trans agenda to be stomped or killed. We are talking to Etsy now because those items clearly violate Etsy’s own terms of service. Though I imagine Etsy would take down any item advocating violence against

“Call them out” to satisfy your ego. But when they feel less than enthused to join in your causes that they normally agree with, don’t be shocked or “call them out”.

“There’s already been plenty of debate about the ideologies behind the Women’s March, spurred by white women who seem upset that they might be forced to think about race or class when they’re just trying to engage in a little soft-focus, low-level activism that makes them feel good before brunch.”

Well of course you’re right, but why approach people on your own team who are trying to help with cynicism, sarcasm, and alienation, simply because they are white? 

I just don’t see how an attitude of, “They’re not REALLY on our side because they’re white” helps literally anything. Insulting and alienating people on your own team only helps the other team.

White women who are attending this rally did not vote for Trump, and it does no good to fight with them as a group.

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

It’s gotten so scary that even Planned Parenthood has started referring to women in their tweets as “menstruators.” I was really pissed off when I saw that. You can be supportive of transpeople, but it does not mean you have to diminish the lives of women.

I used to think transgenderism would be a great way to revert those stereotyopes, but I eventually started to see that sexist stereotypes and transgenderism often go hand-in-hand and that gender now gets defended and upheld as vital for trans-people and “progressive” for everyone. I now view anything to do with gender

Late to the discussion, but I'm old enough to remember when a woman couldn't get credit, buy a car, rent or buy a home, there were no shelters for women, spousal abuse was something kept in the family and not for the police to deal with, and so on.

If nothing else, we've invented guns and are unlikely to uninvent them; and a woman can shoot someone dead just as easily as a man can. So the era that physical brawn trumped all is probably over.

I feel like some of the not wanting to read comes from the gendered ways in which we still raise our children—and what happens to them in school when they haven't been taught to do "girly" things. "Tomboy" is still a way to describe a woman who isn't "girly." Who doesn't conform to outdated gender roles.