
Care to name names and date and place of this happening?

What do you think about Janet Mock advocating for children to be prostitutes for the money?

I can’t stand Milo but, having lived through Morton Downey Jr (look him up, children), I have seen that act before and could not see why left wingers were getting all upset since that just got more attention for him. But you can’t call somebody an apologist if they are fact-checking some of the accusations made

Liberals sure are quiet about how a man in womanface (Janet Mock) was given a speaking slot at the Women’s March even though he has actively advocated that prostitution is a great way for kids to make money.

Calling Milo names might give lefties erections, but I notice Wilcox did not even attempt to make any arguments based on facts or deal with the issue of women’s rights and safety......just saying.

Wilcox does the dodge of claiming that women opposed to policies that allow ALL men into women’s spaces are explicitly saying that it is only trans that will be the problem. No, the problem is that when you let M2Ts in, you effectively roll out the red carpet to rapists and perverts. Until trans activists are willing

Have had the experience many times of being able to listen to men speak freely because they were not aware of my presence. Sorry, women, right wing or left wing, men hate you.

Transgenderism has become a religion that cannot tolerate the existence of atheists and agnostics. YOU can believe that there is some magical female soul that some men have but WE don’t have to buy into that. Do people exist who are men but think they are or want to be women? Yes. Are they really women? No.

There is no argument for including “trans women” in feminism, they are men and no amount of yelling and bullying directed at real women is going to change that. Why should women be told we can stand up to ONE bunch of men bringing their problems/issues into our lives but not this other bunch of men who do the same

Nope, men of all ages and races and religions try to control women. Even men who claim they are women try to control real women.

Oh do shove off with this terf stuff. Here we have an example of right wing MEN telling women to obey and be silent. And men in womanface screeching “terf” at real women to try to make us obey and be silent are dudes cut from the same cloth.

Here is the problem - as long as you depend on calling people who disagree with you names, you will never understand or have a chance at over-coming the resistance to your demands.

OK, so why does there have to be any laws allowing men into women’s spaces if nobody can tell that they are men?

If these women pass as men, why would anybody object to them being in the men’s facilities since nobody would know they were there? And women are not a threat to men or women in the same way that men can be a threat to women.

Why think it is going to be better for women when these old men die off? Look at Brock Turner and the rapist in this case —-> seems like there are plenty of porn-soaked young men ready to keep rape culture alive.

Yes, what is all this talk about seats? Our babysitter had a huge station wagon and kids were just tossed in the back like cargo and nobody thought anything bad about it. The rear window had a crank handle and the big game among us kids was to try and get one of us to stick their head out of the window so we could