
During the teen years, I told many people in stores I was not with “that man” [my dad] if he was doing any of the things he found funny to do because it embarrassed us —- like merrily farting his way thru a store and then turning to glare accusingly at little old ladies and nuns.

I got a laugh out of the “weeping, panicked, screaming child right through the back window” line because that could have been me or my siblings at the times when my father followed through on his threat to drive right past the ice cream parlor because we had been bratty earlier in the day. I mean, I am glad police

That older heavy white-haired woman stayed with the man who was the most injured. She seemed more concerned about him than about her own escape.

Jezebel is so odd when it comes to men who commit violence against women. If they are “just” men, Jezebel crowd hates them (and rightfully so). If they are men who claim to be women, Jezebel crowd just SWOONS over them no matter how much violence they committed against women. Dana Rivers is a man who says he is a

So, does that make a difference to any real women when they see this man with a history of attacking women coming into women’s spaces?

Odd how that fact about him attacking a female officer gets left out of all the fawning coverage of Manning.

And that part about us having to show “respect” to people who claim they are something they are not by going along with their delusions or fantasies? No, I feel that if somebody demands that I lie about something I see then they are disrespecting me.

Getting the surgery on the taxpayer’s dime? Seems like those horrible prison conditions aren’t that horrible if he is asking to stay in for the free surgeries.

Yes, the fact that real women now can be minding their own business in the women’s facilities only to look up and see a man who claims to be a woman who once threatened his stepmother with a knife and who once attacked a female soldier coming at them.....

He has at least two known incidents of threatening and assaulting women but, hey, who cares about that?

Manning attacked a female soldier and had once threatened his stepmother with a knife while in his teen years. He never should have been in the military and he may still be a danger to women now.

You would have to have Roof claiming to be a woman to see if he gets the following Manning has.

Yes, you have a point. Technology like cameras saved the day in this case. And anything on the internet is there forever. At the very least women will be able to distribute pictures and internet history of perverts that do get hired - perhaps find ways of making sure these guys never reach stations of higher power.

The old rapists dying off is not going to help anything —> Brock Turner and his young cohorts are all over the place.

Putting some extra keys on my key ring now - sure cure for giddy grabby men is a hard whack in the face with a handful of keys.

Just how Jezebel rolls - there used to be pro-woman articles here often but now it is just a place to watch all the faux-feminists virtue-signal.

Even a craft selling site called Etsy is selling “trans pride” buttons that call for women who don’t agree with trans agenda to be stomped or killed. We are talking to Etsy now because those items clearly violate Etsy’s own terms of service. Though I imagine Etsy would take down any item advocating violence against

The scary thing is that kids are being pushed into thinking they must be trans if they like toys and activities that are considered “wrong” for their sex. Look at the stories of parents saying they knew their boy was really a girl when he wanted pink sparkly things.

Please Ford, don’t load this thing down with every gadget and googah ever made. Just make a plain little truck that I don’t need a stepladder to climb into and has a nice 2 person cab with a nice long bed.

Transgenderism needs sexist stereotypes to survive —- if we lived in a truly gender free world, trans people would not exist. Considering the number of men who dress up as sex cartoons of women, this is a sexual fetish for many of them.