Corpore Metal

Well, in general I don't read Jezbel at all until it some specific article on nerd subculture comes up there and is added to the IO9 feed. Or to repeat what I said to NeuroticKnight

As a nerd, I'd much prefer my hobbies and subcultures to be open, friendly and inviting to all, regardless of ethnicity, creed, sexual

In my case isn't not that I find the commentariat here alienating (Although I find the MRA trolls stupid and exhausting.) but that most of the subject matter dealt with here irrelevent to me, a middle-aged nerd guy—who does consider himself a feminist.

Only when there is an article here that's I'm interested in, like this one.

Interloper from IO9 here,

One of the reasons why I like the remake of Judge Dread is because they gave us a futuristic sprawling city, Mega City One, that was well lit:

That make senses if this were a developing country with very lax laws and almost no money for enforcement.

Sure, why not, however some kinds of air pollution still exist in clear sunny days.

Perhaps it should be a novel or movie instead of a game then? Maybe Total Recall and The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind?

Why is it that futuristic cities are never well lit? What's the matter, did the sun die out or something?

My theory is that most of the trolls are just stirring the hornets nest out of boredom, not because they really believe anything at all. It's quite childish really.

Well, I'll check 'em out when I have a chance. Thanks for the reco!

Well, if you've read those and don't buy them, I've really got nothing else to add or discuss. You win.

Frankly this sounds a bit like segregationist rationalization to me.

I'd rather we didn't act like animals. I'd rather we intermingle.

I think it really depends on two things:

Well, I've pretty much migrated to webcomics myself, although all of them in English.

I guess that Stewart decided Picard's character should be a little fastidious about how his uniform fit, standing or sitting. Either that or Stewart just didn't like close necked shirts and just kept yanking at it for 10 or so years.

Well, we can only hope that time will change self-destructive and shortsighted views.

And that's a pity.